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Notice to bubbagen users (print server)

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Joined: 10 Aug 2011, 03:18

Notice to bubbagen users (print server)

Post by Gordon »

Annoyingly it seems I have tripped over an old ghostscript bug once more in the new 1.11 release. As a result you may see the following error displayed by the cups daemon:

Code: Select all

INFO: Color Manager: no profiles specified in PPD
The actual cause for this rather puzzling error message is that ghostscript goes into an infinite loop and does not produce any output at all. Additionally because it is running in an infinite loop it consumes quite a lot of CPU power and your B3 will gradually get slower when more failed print jobs are piling up.

To fix this please re-emerge ghostscript-gpl. This must be done on the B3 itself because it requires a special environment setting (already present in the bubbagen image) that gets overruled if you use a cross-dev compiler. For this reason also do not use distcc to a cross-dev machine when emerging ghostscript-gpl.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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