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Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
Just tried to update my B3 from the install file in the link on the first page.
It fails to install, the install.log file states -
2002-10-16 10:34:44.951 - INFO - Running Excito installer version 2.0 daemon process with pid 113
2002-10-16 10:34:44.954 - INFO - No image in configuration. Exiting leaving the rescue system
Any ideas ? All the files/directories were copied from the zip file to a newly formatted FAT usb stick.
Hope someone can help,the B3 is my oldest and longest running server, so I would like to give it a fresh cleanup as it was still on stock Debian Squeeze.
It fails to install, the install.log file states -
2002-10-16 10:34:44.951 - INFO - Running Excito installer version 2.0 daemon process with pid 113
2002-10-16 10:34:44.954 - INFO - No image in configuration. Exiting leaving the rescue system
Any ideas ? All the files/directories were copied from the zip file to a newly formatted FAT usb stick.
Hope someone can help,the B3 is my oldest and longest running server, so I would like to give it a fresh cleanup as it was still on stock Debian Squeeze.
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
Can you post the content of install.ini on your usb key ?
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
I will when I am home, but it was just the default install.ini except that I had un-commented "wipe = false" so that only the first partition would be formatted. I didn't make any other changes.
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
How did you unzip the files and edit install.ini?
Or to be more precise: what OS do you have running on the machine where you did that? If you are running Windows there is a big chance that your files may have been corrupted. To start: don't use explorer to extract the files - use `7-zip` (free) or `WinRAR` / `WinZIP` (shareware) instead. To edit the install.ini your best option is to do that from the B3 because `Wordpad` (which is the only standard windows tool that will allow you to view the file correctly formatted) is likely to corrupt it by adding `CR` characters. Get `Putty` if you don't already have that and ssh into the console. Mount the USB stick and edit the file with `nano`.
Or to be more precise: what OS do you have running on the machine where you did that? If you are running Windows there is a big chance that your files may have been corrupted. To start: don't use explorer to extract the files - use `7-zip` (free) or `WinRAR` / `WinZIP` (shareware) instead. To edit the install.ini your best option is to do that from the B3 because `Wordpad` (which is the only standard windows tool that will allow you to view the file correctly formatted) is likely to corrupt it by adding `CR` characters. Get `Putty` if you don't already have that and ssh into the console. Mount the USB stick and edit the file with `nano`.
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
Good point ! I actually downloaded/installed on Linux, but used a GUI "wordpad"? tool to edit the file. I will try again using 'vi' or nano.
Actually, doing this on the B3 may be the wisest choice.
Actually, doing this on the B3 may be the wisest choice.

Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
Still the same problem after formatting and unzipping the file on my B3.
I have not changed the install.ini file at all ! But just checking, am I supposed to un-comment any of the lines or specify where the image is located ?
Also, typically, how long does an upgrade take ? (I currently get 6 x quick green LED flashes, a pause, and then another 6...)
The install.log tells me -
2002-10-16 10:39:02.924 - INFO - Running Excito installer version 2.0 daemon process with pid 113
2002-10-16 10:39:02.925 - INFO - No image in configuration. Exiting leaving the rescue system
Which at least tells me that uboot is reading the USB stick, able to write back to the install.log. But unable to access the image....
I have not changed the install.ini file at all ! But just checking, am I supposed to un-comment any of the lines or specify where the image is located ?
Also, typically, how long does an upgrade take ? (I currently get 6 x quick green LED flashes, a pause, and then another 6...)
The install.log tells me -
2002-10-16 10:39:02.924 - INFO - Running Excito installer version 2.0 daemon process with pid 113
2002-10-16 10:39:02.925 - INFO - No image in configuration. Exiting leaving the rescue system
Which at least tells me that uboot is reading the USB stick, able to write back to the install.log. But unable to access the image....
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
The logs tells there is no image in the configuration so I need to see the content of the install.ini file first.
The USB key does _not_ perform an upgrade, it's a simple install. It's fairly quick on the b3, usually no more than 2-3 minutes mostly depending of the total disk size being formatted.
The LED flashing is a hint of the IP address obtained by the B3 rescue system (6 flashes likely means the address ends in .6). It also means that the rescue system is running (confirmed in the logs).
Please post the contents of the install.ini file on the key.
The USB key does _not_ perform an upgrade, it's a simple install. It's fairly quick on the b3, usually no more than 2-3 minutes mostly depending of the total disk size being formatted.
The LED flashing is a hint of the IP address obtained by the B3 rescue system (6 flashes likely means the address ends in .6). It also means that the rescue system is running (confirmed in the logs).
Please post the contents of the install.ini file on the key.
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
Thanks ! Here you go with the install.ini -
I tried a couple of edits of the final block in [GENERAL] but nothing made a difference, also tried specifying a location for the image. This is just what was download as in the zip-file of the original link. The 'install' directory placed in the root of the usb key.
I tried a couple of edits of the final block in [GENERAL] but nothing made a difference, also tried specifying a location for the image. This is just what was download as in the zip-file of the original link. The 'install' directory placed in the root of the usb key.
### Configuration file for excito-installer ###
### Network settings ##########################
## You can configure the ip settings for both lan and wan ports
## each one is defined by its named section, lan and wan.
## 3 parameters are available for lan and wan sections :
## proto
## dhcp for automatic configuration via dhcp
## static for static ip address
## ipaddr
## IPv4 address (x.x.x.x) for the interface. Only read and mandatory
## with static proto.
## netmask
## IPv4 netmask for the interface. Must be provided in classic dotted quad
## (x.x.x.x) notation. Only read and mandatory with static proto.
## gateway
## IPv4 address of the default gateway. Only read with static proto.
## Note : specifying multiple gateways is not supported and will have
## unexcepected behaviour.
## Additionaly you can add a dns section with the following parameters :
## nameservers
## comma-separated list of DNS servers IPv4 addresses
## search
## domain search list
## Note : if the dns section is present, it may be overridden by any
## dhcp-provided DNS servers
## Example :
## [lan]
## proto = static
## ipaddr =
## netmask =
## [wan]
## proto = dhcp
## defaults
### General settings ##########################
## image (default: None): archive file containing the image to install on the device
## if not provided or if the file does not not exists, the installer
## will exit leaving the rescue system running. path is relative
## to the install directory on the key.
## Example :
## image = excito/bubbaroot-120412-1524.tar.gz
## copy-network-settings (default: true): if true the installer will:
## - copy the resolv.conf file to the target system
## - use the interfaces.tpl template which must supplied alongside the image
## file to generate the target's /etc/network/interfaces. This will
## override the default image configuration.
## Note: this is designed only for distributions using debian-style network
## configuration
## wipe (default: false): if true the installer will remove all existing partitions on the system and create two
## partitions on the drive (system+swap). If false, the installer will format and use the first
## partition on the drive.
## Notes:
## - wipe value is ignored if there is no partition on the system; the installer will create a
## partition table and first two partitions,
## - if wipe if false and the disk layout is incorrect (one system partition (first on the
## disk, primary if mbr is used) >= 10 GiB and one swap partition (anywhere) >= 256 MiB),
## install script will exit, leaving the rescue system.
## - The installer will not change the partition table but will always format the first
## partition (system) and the first swap partition it finds)
## size (default: 10; minimal: size of system partition to create in GiB (if applicable). Use 'full' to use
## all the available space. Any value below 8 will be overridden to 8 by the
## installer.
## Notes:
## - This value is ignored when wipe is false and partitions are available. However
## the installer will check that the existing system partition has a minimal size of
## 8 GiB before continuing
## swap (default: 512; minimal 256): size of swap partition to create in MiB (if applicable). Any value below 256
## will be overriden by the installer.
## Notes:
## - This value is ignored when wipe is false and partitions are available. However
## the installer will check that the existing swap partition has a minimal size of
## 256 MiB before continuing
## reboot (default: true): if true, the system will reboot when install is complete.
## if false, the system will keep running the rescue system
## after install is finished
## Note: the reboot value is ignored if no image is provided.
## defaults
# [general]
# image = None (rescue system only)
# copy-network-settings = true
# wipe = false
# size = 10
# swap = 512
# reboot = true
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
You need to add the following lines at the end of the install.ini file (remove the wipe if necessary):
They were missing in the version 1.1 of the install archive, I've reuploaded a corrected version.
Code: Select all
image = stretch/b3-stretch-1.0-20170703-2130.txz
wipe = true
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
.....and it worked !! Thanks !!
Downloaded from the link in the first message on this thread, loaded onto a USB key. Power down then powered up pressing the B3 button and the B3 wiped this disk and installed Stretch. Took 1-2 minutes.
Thanks for your help !
Downloaded from the link in the first message on this thread, loaded onto a USB key. Power down then powered up pressing the B3 button and the B3 wiped this disk and installed Stretch. Took 1-2 minutes.
Thanks for your help !

Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
Hello I use the new kernel 4.9.135-1, and on my b3 I have worked hard to use it a a server in a cluster serving distributed filesystem. I first tryed to use Glusterfs, but no hope on the b3 there is a memory management error. Glusterfs server works well on armhf, but on B3 I cannot make it work.
I think it may be be a kernel problem, but I could not find exactly what is going wrong.
So I dropped glusterfs, with the project to install HA (pacemaker) above DRBD, but it failed again because DRBD is neither compiled in the kernel nor build as module. In I I read
I don't understand why it is not available as module, I suppose it could be added without any trouble. I have not set an environment for compiling armv5tel, so I'm relying on next update. Is there any hope? I would like to keep this small b3 box at least to serve filesystems, but after having failed twice on the b3, even if it works flawlessly on armhf boxes, I think I will be obliged to drop it and use instead my armhf and arm64 boxes.
I think it may be be a kernel problem, but I could not find exactly what is going wrong.
So I dropped glusterfs, with the project to install HA (pacemaker) above DRBD, but it failed again because DRBD is neither compiled in the kernel nor build as module. In I
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DRBD is not set
I don't understand why it is not available as module, I suppose it could be added without any trouble. I have not set an environment for compiling armv5tel, so I'm relying on next update. Is there any hope? I would like to keep this small b3 box at least to serve filesystems, but after having failed twice on the b3, even if it works flawlessly on armhf boxes, I think I will be obliged to drop it and use instead my armhf and arm64 boxes.
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
I will include it in the next build and send you a prerelease as soon as it's ready
I will include it in the next build and send you a prerelease as soon as it's ready
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
OK I've compiled a 4.9.135-1 version including the DRBD module, you can download it here. I will make an official release later but it should be good for the time being.
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
Thanks a lot Mouette, I updated the kernel and modules.
Now my drbd device is up, running, and synchronizing with peer device.
Now my drbd device is up, running, and synchronizing with peer device.
Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
Version 4.9.147-1 released with the drbd module included. Enjoy