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Bubbagen Live-USB for B3 updated (Linux 4.9.49-r1 LTS - Gentoo stable)

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Bubbagen Live-USB for B3 updated (Linux 4.9.49-r1 LTS - Gentoo stable)

Post by Gordon »


I've just released version 1.10 of the Bubbagen live-USB image for B3 on GitHub. Like the previous versions there is a choice of Init system: OpenRC (1.10.0) or Systemd (1.10.5). The kernel has been upgraded to 4.9.49-r1 which is the current latest stable version as declared by the Gentoo devs.

Like the original Gentoo live-USB by Sakaki you can burn these images to a USB key that is at least 8GiB in size. Beware that the u-boot system on the B3 is rather 'antique' and there may be issues with modern USB keys. I suggest you find the cheapest 8GiB key you can find (the ones with the U-shaped metal 'protector' / branding always seem to work).

Changes in this release:
  • new kernel
  • dropped mediatomb from package list as it has been declared dead upstream. This package has in fact been unmanaged by the interface since Excito software version 2.4, where it was replaced by minidlna. Should you want to continue using mediatomb it is advised that you install gerbera as a replacement.
  • java VM updated to openjdk 8
  • fixed a cyclic dependency on bridge interface in hostapd that would prevent it from loading
  • fixed inability to print non-native documents due to a deadlock in Ghostscript
  • added a block in the web frontend to prevent enabling the WiFi AP when LAN is set to receive its IP through DHCP (causes network to fail)
  • fixed a problem with restarting network interfaces in systemd version
  • all¹ packages synced against the Gentoo tree @ January 10, 2018

¹) Some packages withheld due to licensing.
Older masks also still apply.

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Joined: 18 Sep 2016, 03:02
Location: Sweden

Re: Bubbagen Live-USB for B3 updated (Linux 4.9.49-r1 LTS - Gentoo stable)

Post by azado »


Did you get the minidlna working. I cannot see it on any of my Samsung TV. It worked on B3 original linux and on Debian stretch but I did not like the stretch as it did not have a frontend.

Posts: 1469
Joined: 10 Aug 2011, 03:18

Re: Bubbagen Live-USB for B3 updated (Linux 4.9.49-r1 LTS - Gentoo stable)

Post by Gordon »

Do you run a B3 Wifi? Minidlna service is restricted to eth1 by default and I think this may not be updated by the frontend if you turn on Wifi and the LAN interface becomes br0.

To fix this edit /etc/minidlna.conf and change the network interface to serve on line #5. Save and restart minidlna.
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Joined: 18 Sep 2016, 03:02
Location: Sweden

Re: Bubbagen Live-USB for B3 updated (Linux 4.9.49-r1 LTS - Gentoo stable)

Post by azado »


I used it as server only and found the solution for this a day later. It appears that rebuild db needed for minidlna and set minidlna as a default service too.
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