Thinking the issue was with the modem/router I managed a factory reset and it started to behave again.
Almost straight away I started experiencing issues accessing my B3 over wifi, I could access the web admin interface via my local network and also via the internet but was unable to connect directly to the shared files from my windows laptop. I constantly had an error after entering my username and password (I saved it somewhere but I can't find it now).
I did another restart of my B3 but now unfortunately I can't access it at all. I can see through my modem/routers DHCP list that it cannot connect to the B3 server at all. I can see my SSID but cannot connect.
Now the only way I can connect to my B3 server is via booting the rescue disk. Using SSH I can see that my server appears to have been in bad shape for quite some time. There are constant "No space left on device" warning messages mostly from postfix:
Code: Select all
postfix/cleanup[1559]: warning: 3559E4A241: write queue file: No space left on device
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Jan 18 23:36:59 b3 bubba-igd: Application starting
Jan 18 23:36:59 b3 bubba-igd: Starting IGD UPNP service
Jan 18 23:37:01 b3 dnsmasq[1243]: started, version 2.55 cachesize 150
Jan 18 23:37:01 b3 dnsmasq[1243]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus I18N DHCP TFTP
Jan 18 23:37:01 b3 dnsmasq[1243]: warning: interface br0 does not currently exist
Jan 18 23:37:01 b3 dnsmasq-dhcp[1243]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 12h
Jan 18 23:37:01 b3 dnsmasq[1243]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.conf, will retry
Jan 18 23:37:01 b3 dnsmasq[1243]: read /etc/hosts - 7 addresses
Jan 18 23:37:14 b3 Exception thrown :(#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/sbin/bubba-album-inotifyd", line 200, in
<module>#012 notifier.loop(daemonize=True)#012 File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-pack
ages/", line 1397, in loop#012 self.__daemonize(**args)#012 File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/", line
1355, in __daemonize#012 os.write(fd_pid, str(os.getpid()) + '\n')#012OSError: [E
rrno 28] No space left on device
Jan 22 16:18:11 b3 avahi-daemon[1275]: write(): No space left on device
Jan 22 16:18:11 b3 avahi-daemon[1275]: Failed to create PID file: No space left on device
Code: Select all
# df -h /mnt
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 9.8G 9.7G 0 100% /mnt
I am confident there is nothing wrong with the drive (my external backup still runs successfully) I just can't get network access.
If someone could offer some ideas it would be most appreciated?