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Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by lognok »

hi sakaki

It worked!
Thank you for helping me all the way.
Now that I can ssh into the b3, I can finally get on with the setup :D

Again thanks a lot
All the best
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by lognok »

Am I suppose to bridge LAN and WAN to get access to the internet?

Right now I can access the b3 and the b3 can access the internet, but I cannot access the internet through the b3.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by Gordon »

You need to enable forwarding in the kernel

Code: Select all

echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
This would normally be executed by your firewall script. Which you will also need and must do masquerading, because although enabling forwarding will allow you to send packages on to the internet there is no route back to your LAN and thus you will never receive any answer.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by sakaki »

For masquerading you'll need something like the setup on this page.
You should also lock down the ports you don't want to have open on eth0, particularly if this is going to be an externally visible server.
If you have a WiFi b3 you can install / build hostapd and then bridge eth1 and wlan0 together, but that's a separate problem!
Best, sakaki
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by mdz »

I currently have a B3 based on the Wheezy image (thanks, MouettE!). Is there a feasible way to upgrade what I have to Jessie without wiping out that root partition? Or perhaps a clean way to find all of the packages I've installed manually, and the configuration changes I've made, so that I could install the new Jessie image, and then immediately re-install my packages and config changes on top of it?
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by lognok »

After many attempts (and many nights...) at getting masquerading set up properly with UFW and Shorewall, I finally reinstalled Jessie and followed the guide sakaki linked to (I'm still not sure why I didn't follow the linked guide in the first place...).

Anyway, I finally have a b3 with Debian 8, through which I can access (wired) the internet with :D

Next step is set up the firewall (after having a closer look at iptables, it doesn't seem that intimidating) and get the wireless working.

Arch live usb is still my go-to solution for daily routing and wap. Only when the family goes to sleep, can I work on the b3 Jessie setup.

Thanks again to MouettE, sakaki and Gordon.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by pompopom »

Hi Mouette and others,

Long time since visiting the forum. Nice to see the community is still alive after what has happened to Excito in the past, thumb's up! :-)

My B3 is still quietly running (since a few years now) and apart from some occasional updates and basic script adaptations I haven't been paying much attention to it as it just did his(her?) job nicely. Never change a winning team, right? Today it seems that I can no longer can get around some steps forward, since my betterhalf (you know, the one that waits for you in the morning, up the stairs with a rolling pin ready to strike, when you get home late from the pub) has encountered a fierceful message that the owncloud server version is no longer supported after the latest owncloud client upgrade. PANIC!! ;-)

My B3 is today still running the squeezy version and recent ownloud server versions do not support that, so I decided to go all the way and do a Debian upgrade to while I'm at it. This is what have brought me here :-)

As you might recall I had in the past "fully raided" my B3 based upon your B2 full raid-ification see here: ... -1_volumes
and here:

As I suppose the Jessie images you provide are made for running on a 'clean' B3, without beforehand fiddling, I was wondering if I could use those just as any other user would do, or should I consider any special precautions (u-boot stuff etc)?
If the install just 'works', I suppose I will also need to go through the steps of putting the B3 back in full raid, or will it maintain this? If not, at least that's what I'm guessing, are there any other steps that need to be taken to get it in full raid in your opinion, fact that it's a newer release?
Maybe stupid question: but is it a "fresh install" that happens or 'just' an upgrade (preserving current present applications as mysql/owncloud/...)?
I'm planning on leaving my e-sata deconnected whilst performing the upgrade/manipulations, so I can easily revert back with just swapping the disks and having the raid rebuild. To simple or not?

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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by MouettE »

pompopom wrote:Maybe stupid question: but is it a "fresh install" that happens or 'just' an upgrade (preserving current present applications as mysql/owncloud/...)?
It is a fresh install however if you already removed all the excito packages from your B3 I would recommend doing a manual upgrade of your B3 ( apt-get dist-upgrade ) that way you'll keep your data and configuration. I can help you with that and provide the steps.
pompopom wrote:I'm planning on leaving my e-sata deconnected whilst performing the upgrade/manipulations, so I can easily revert back with just swapping the disks and having the raid rebuild. To simple or not?
That is a very good idea and it should work.
pompopom wrote:As I suppose the Jessie images you provide are made for running on a 'clean' B3, without beforehand fiddling, I was wondering if I could use those just as any other user would do, or should I consider any special precautions (u-boot stuff etc)?
If you wish to format and use the new image, the best path would be to boot the rescue system (remove the image param in install.ini) ; format and mount your raid device, untar the image on it, mount and edit the /etc/fstab to reflect the new root location, unmount and restart the b3. It should work and at least you should keep your RAID configuration. Never tested though, I don't have RAID anymore at home.

Let me know what you decide !

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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by Gordon »

Please note that the RAID only applies to bubba-storage, i.e. everything under /home. It does not mirror your root partition, which includes /var where your MySQL databases are stored by default.

Also, most SQL variants are absolute bitches when it comes to upgrading. You may find that the current release of MySQL (or MariaDB) will not accept your original data files. You should create a dump file before doing the upgrade and store it somewhere safe.

If you like to be able to revert completely, your best option is to boot a rescue USB (or LIVE edition) and rsync the content of / to some target on another partition or drive (use -a -x parameters, 'archive' and 'do not cross file system boundary').
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by MouettE »

Gordon wrote:Please note that the RAID only applies to bubba-storage, i.e. everything under /home. It does not mirror your root partition, which includes /var where your MySQL databases are stored by default.
In that case no it is a custom-made RAID which allows the root partition to be included in a RAID array (see my post on the wiki ; applies to the B2 but easily ported for the B3)
Gordon wrote:Also, most SQL variants are absolute bitches when it comes to upgrading. You may find that the current release of MySQL (or MariaDB) will not accept your original data files. You should create a dump file before doing the upgrade and store it somewhere safe.
That's a very good idea too.
Gordon wrote:If you like to be able to revert completely, your best option is to boot a rescue USB (or LIVE edition) and rsync the content of / to some target on another partition or drive (use -a -x parameters, 'archive' and 'do not cross file system boundary').
This would work too but since everything is on RAID arrays disconnecting a drive and keeping it for rescue purpose until finished would work too and takes less time.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by pompopom »

MouettE wrote: It is a fresh install however if you already removed all the excito packages from your B3 I would recommend doing a manual upgrade of your B3 ( apt-get dist-upgrade ) that way you'll keep your data and configuration. I can help you with that and provide the steps.
I actually didn't remove any excito package. But I need to be honest I haven't used any of them since I installed Owncloud years ago. So I could indeed. hmmm, I saw in the tutorial on how to revert back to minimal linux that you also removed MySQL. Is that a tweaked excito version too?
MouettE wrote:
pompopom wrote:I'm planning on leaving my e-sata deconnected whilst performing the upgrade/manipulations, so I can easily revert back with just swapping the disks and having the raid rebuild. To simple or not?
That is a very good idea and it should work.
MouettE wrote:
pompopom wrote:As I suppose the Jessie images you provide are made for running on a 'clean' B3, without beforehand fiddling, I was wondering if I could use those just as any other user would do, or should I consider any special precautions (u-boot stuff etc)?
If you wish to format and use the new image, the best path would be to boot the rescue system (remove the image param in install.ini) ; format and mount your raid device, untar the image on it, mount and edit the /etc/fstab to reflect the new root location, unmount and restart the b3. It should work and at least you should keep your RAID configuration. Never tested though, I don't have RAID anymore at home.

Let me know what you decide !

This is kinda why I always was in doubt to do a complete distro upgrade as I clearly recalled your warning from the full Raid wiki:
In addition, these modifications prevent you from using the usb rescue disk, because your system won't boot after a rescued installed software. The u-boot utils are not available in the rescue system, so you can't restore the modifications you've made to boot the raid array. I am currently working on a workaround, but as of today it doesn't work.
Can I conclude the workaroud exists? Or are the u-boot utils present in the rescue system nowadays?
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by pompopom »

Gordon wrote:Please note that the RAID only applies to bubba-storage, i.e. everything under /home. It does not mirror your root partition, which includes /var where your MySQL databases are stored by default.

Also, most SQL variants are absolute bitches when it comes to upgrading. You may find that the current release of MySQL (or MariaDB) will not accept your original data files. You should create a dump file before doing the upgrade and store it somewhere safe.

If you like to be able to revert completely, your best option is to boot a rescue USB (or LIVE edition) and rsync the content of / to some target on another partition or drive (use -a -x parameters, 'archive' and 'do not cross file system boundary').
True, in an of-the-shelf B3 it is only the /home who is mirrored. But that's the whole point of my doubt in doing a "regular" upgrade to wheezy or later jessie as done/explained most of the time here on the forum => I've put my B3 in full raid, so I dunno how it would behave :-)

About the SQL: tell me about it, but that doesn't really stress me anymore: been there, done that ;-)

Your 3rd paragraph is in case I wouldn't have full raid? Or am I missing something?
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by Gordon »

pompopom wrote:Your 3rd paragraph is in case I wouldn't have full raid? Or am I missing something?
pompopom wrote:
MouettE wrote: It is a fresh install however if you already removed all the excito packages from your B3 I would recommend doing a manual upgrade of your B3 ( apt-get dist-upgrade ) that way you'll keep your data and configuration. I can help you with that and provide the steps.
I actually didn't remove any excito package. But I need to be honest I haven't used any of them since I installed Owncloud years ago. So I could indeed. hmmm, I saw in the tutorial on how to revert back to minimal linux that you also removed MySQL. Is that a tweaked excito version too?
Careful! In the original Excito system many of the core utilities you need for running and be able to access the box (such as sshd, but also the kernel) are only there because they are pulled in as dependencies of bubba-backend.
pompopom wrote:Can I conclude the workaroud exists? Or are the u-boot utils present in the rescue system nowadays?
Not in the rescue system. It is on many Live USB editions though.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by MouettE »

pompopom wrote:I actually didn't remove any excito package. But I need to be honest I haven't used any of them since I installed Owncloud years ago. So I could indeed. hmmm, I saw in the tutorial on how to revert back to minimal linux that you also removed MySQL. Is that a tweaked excito version too?
mysql is removed because it is not part of a minimal install. However you do not want a minimal install you only want to remove the excito packages which cannot be upgraded. It's up to you to know from the list of installed packages what is and what is not used.
pompopom wrote:Can I conclude the workaroud exists? Or are the u-boot utils present in the rescue system nowadays?
Gordon wrote:Not in the rescue system. It is on many Live USB editions though.
The new rescue system includes u-boot-utils with the proper configuration.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by pompopom »

Ok, Thx Mouette and Gordon for the attention and effort (again ;-) )

I will give it a go and start a new thread with my findings so I don't clutter this one.


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