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Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by 86ivar »

Does wifi work with this install on a B2? Or if not, can I make it work myself without too much work?
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by lognok »

86ivar wrote:Does wifi work with this install on a B2? Or if not, can I make it work myself without too much work?
From what I can understand in the install.ini file(for both B2 and B3), then it 'only' sets up LAN and WAN. There are no setup parameters for wifi.

I'm ready to try this image and have backed up my B3. I just need to have wifi enabeld somehow, so I'll listen on the sideline to any answer you might get :D
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by lognok »

Maybe wifi can be setup with iwconfig? ... &locale=en
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by MouettE »

If you want to run an AP on your B3 (or your B2) you need the hostapd package and I recommend to use the hostapd configuration from the squeeze excito images as a starting point (it contains specific parameters for the card used in B2/B3). Google will help you find some tutorials on how to enable the AP.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by Puma »


Mouette is right you have to install hostapd to get a AP.
The drivers ath9k are already present in de image.

The only issue is that the ath9k driver in combination with CDRA (Central Regulatory Domain Agent) looks at the EEPROM regdomain setting. The regdomain is 0x60 (world) due to this the AP will be forced into US mode which is restricted to 2.4 GHz. This happend to me and I live in the Netherland which uses 5 GHz legally.
The only things one can do is:
1. Change EEPROM setting inside AR9280 wifi card (I looked on the internet but this seems to be not doable)
2. Change wireless-regdb (compile) with new db.txt
3. Rebuild the kernel with
4. Excito worked with a patch : "Force Atheros drivers to respect the user's regdomain settings" But I think a recompile is needed than as well.

I tested the 2.4 GHz but I seem to have a DHCP issue here.
Main problem for me is to use the 5GHz which I cannot.
I tested a new db.txt which worked with 5 GHz until restart the issue came back and only 2.4 GHz could be used.

Moutte : is it possible to change the countrie setting to NL and use legally 5 GHz? Can you explain how to rebuild a kernel that solves this issue?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by Gordon »

Puma wrote:Moutte : is it possible to change the countrie setting to NL and use legally 5 GHz? Can you explain how to rebuild a kernel that solves this issue?
Funny thing. You are allowed to patch the kernel source files to bypass the regulatory domain setting programmed into the hardware. It is however illegal to distribute such a kernel as a binary. This is really not an issue but a legal matter and I agree that it is annoying but it simply can't be helped.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by lognok »

Thanks Moutte and Puma

I read a little bit about setting up the hostapd on Debian and I ended up with this list:

Backup important stuff
Make a copy of /etc/network/interfaces from Wheezy
Make a copy of /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf from Wheezy

Install Jessie
Install hostapd
Activate daemon in /etc/default/hostapd
Install bridge-utils
Paste copy of interfaces
Paste copy of hostapd.conf

Install dnsmasq? (my current dnsmasq.conf has no active lines)
Install firewall?

Running 2.4GHz only is acceptable. Am I missing something to get AP working?
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by MouettE »

lognok wrote:Thanks Moutte and Puma
Install dnsmasq? (my current dnsmasq.conf has no active lines)
Install firewall?
Stricly speaking dnsmasq and firewall are not required to get an AP running. dnsmasq is used to serve DHCP adresses to your nerwork and firewall allows you to protect your b3 and do NAT on your local network. So basically if your current configuration is to use your b3 as a standard WiFi router yes you need them.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by Puma »

Gordon / Muette,
Funny thing. You are allowed to patch the kernel source files to bypass the regulatory domain setting programmed into the hardware. It is however illegal to distribute such a kernel as a binary. This is really not an issue but a legal matter and I agree that it is annoying but it simply can't be helped.
Can somebody tell me how to do this patch ?


Linux is like a wigwam - no windows, no gates, apache inside!
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by Gordon »

Not really. There are several patches to be found on the net but the driver source file belonging to your specific version of the kernel may be different and cause the automatic procedure to fail. I cannot direct you to any source that will give you a step to step manual for doing this. All I can say is that Google is your friend.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by lognok »

I did the default install from a usb-key and it seems (from the log) like everything went oki-doki, but now I don't know which ip to ssh into...
I tried excito@ and also, but I just get a 'ssh: connect to host port 22: Network is unreachable'.

Any help would be appreciated :-)
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by lognok »

Also my laptop(Ubuntu 14.04) keeps searching for a wired connection, but cannot connect to the LAN or WAN ports on the B3.

This is the most likely reason why I cannot ssh into the B3.

But why are my LAN and WAN ports not working?
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by MouettE »

The default settings enable only dhcp client on both interfaces. If you don't have any dhcp server on your network the ports won't get any IP.

If you want to add static IP on your installation you must change the install.ini network parameters. You can also fix the image by booting on the rescue system, mount the os and edit /etc/network/interfaces manually.
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by tdebruin »

first off thx for all the support and dev work!

I got a B3 from a friend, never owned such a device before. After looking in it a bit I soon realised it needed a Jessie upgrade, and thx to this post I did manage (after some typical newbie pitfalls: took me ages to realize I should put the roots file in the /install directory of the rescue usb stick :oops: ).

So now I have a working root shell and a working debian jessie (yay), and my question is: is there an easy way to reproduce / reinstall the nice GUI interface and services provided by the original B3 firmware? Or a simple how-to that I have not managed to find yet on this forum? A simple home file-sharing box, and maybe a torrent client for my housemates to easily acces through a slick GUI would make allow me to share the device.

Otherwise I'll have to read on quite a lot on how to install the different services I'd like to use to with this box, if that's the way I have to go, is there some resources / how-to's out there that people here recommend?

Again, thx for continuing support!
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Re: Debian jessie image 1.0 released for Bubba|2 / B3

Post by Gordon »

tdebruin wrote: So now I have a working root shell and a working debian jessie (yay), and my question is: is there an easy way to reproduce / reinstall the nice GUI interface and services provided by the original B3 firmware? Or a simple how-to that I have not managed to find yet on this forum?
As the owner/maintainer of the bubba overlay for Gentoo I can tell you that is not the case. A lot of compatibility issues have arised over time and you'll find a lot of missing libraries if you can even trick the original bubba packages to install on your new system and being unable to recompile to the new libraries from source packages.

Of course, since Gentoo is source based you can reapply (parts of) my patches to create new Debian packages if you like. Would be nice if you'd share those as well.
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