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I would suggest to boot the rescue system, mount the drive and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to allow root login over ssh (see Then restart your b3, ssh into it as root and try fixing your error 26 from there (google has some suggestions).
Too late for this particular instance, but in case someone else hits this:
One of the suggested fixes is to reinstall coreutils and if the B3 web interface is still functional you can use that to do it. Simply browse to http://b3/admin/settings/software/install/coreutils and hit the install button. It's a nice hack and you can do this for every package in the repo.
yes, a bit too late
But, for the future, is this reinstallation the solution for the corrupted pam file or for the ssh root access?
The coreutils contains the su.
because of your post I had the heart to update the B3 after reinstallation.
Again I had the problem with the su.
In the log I got following entry:
Sep 5 18:21:41 B3 sshd[2942]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for loginuser from port 51083 ssh2
Sep 5 18:21:41 B3 sshd[2942]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user loginuser by (uid=0)
Sep 5 18:21:46 B3 su[3020]: PAM _pam_load_conf_file: unable to open /etc/pam.d/common-auth
Sep 5 18:21:46 B3 su[3020]: PAM error loading (null)
Sep 5 18:21:46 B3 su[3020]: PAM _pam_init_handlers: error reading /etc/pam.d/su
Sep 5 18:21:46 B3 su[3020]: PAM _pam_init_handlers: [Critical error - immediate abort]
Sep 5 18:21:46 B3 su[3020]: PAM error reading PAM configuration file
Sep 5 18:21:46 B3 su[3020]: PAM pam_start: failed to initialize handlers
Sep 5 18:21:46 B3 su[3020]: pam_start: error 26
Then I tried you hack with the coreutils, then reboot, but still the problem that I cannot use su.
Any other idea?
I don't really know what package /etc/pam.d/su belongs to in Debian (currently don't have a B3 running with the original OS), but you could try if reinstalling pam and pambase fixes the issue.