Thanks for all the work.
The wireless card on the B2 does unfortunately not work with your kernel since one important driver options is missing. I guess it will be the same for the B3 but I have not had time to test that yet since I did brick my B3 trying to upgrade Uboot. The latest kernel source on github does not create a working debian package. I have take the freedom and cloned the repository and made some changes to enable the wifi and to make it create working debian packages again. You can find the repository here Note that this is not made as an official debian release but an work in progress release. I am also quite new to git and have also not worked much with debian packagin so everything might not be top notch but it works for me.
To build a new package I first installed all needed packages which I do not remember who there where
and the cloned the git repository. In the root of that clone I did run
Code: Select all
git-buildpackage -us -uc