My router has always been a PC, or something Intel based. The last one that served my needs was a Wyse 9455xl. This is basically a small PC with a mini-itx inside. It had an onboard network card and a riser card to add an additional PCI device. I replaced the IDE flash card with a normal IDE drive. This device has been running for the past 6 years, without any problems. Unfortunately, the device has become older than the surrounding network and my provider's broadband connection. So, early this year, I bought a B3.
- the box has a 1 TB WD green drive
- Debian Wheezy (thanks to this forum)
- iptables for firwalling / masquerading
- Samba 4.1.4 as an active directory, backed by Bind for DNS, this AD is used to authenticate my Linux and Windows desktops
- cups for print server
It took me quite some time to compile (these are Samba 4.1.4 sernet source packages) and configure everything and today, I finally migrated from the Wyse to the B3. I hope it will serve me well for the next 6 years