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Roundcube 0.8

How are you using your Bubba Two or Excito B3? Got pictures? Share here!
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Roundcube 0.8

Post by RandomUsername »

Just thought I'd mention, for anyone running Roundcube; I upgraded to 0.8 a few months back and the new design looks fantastic and (appears to) run much faster on my B3. It took me the best part of a day to upgrade and find updated versions of all my plugins though.
Last edited by RandomUsername on 13 Dec 2012, 10:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by Gordon »

Maybe a dumb question, but how does Roundcube compare to the already installed Horde?
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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by RandomUsername »

I haven't looked at Horde for a long time but compared to the version of Horde my B2 was running when I originally got it:

Horde is fugly.
Horde is slow.
Horde is hard to configure.
Roundcube is extrememly customisable thanks to a number of third-party plugins.

There was a thread on here asking for Roundcube to be made the default web client on the B2/B3 but I don't know if Excito ever looked seriously at it.

You can demo it here.

In the interests of fairness, I just had a look at a Horde demo too ( Not sure if this is the same version the B3 runs but it looks much better than it used to, although the interface looks like it's unfinished.
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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by Gordon »

That's definitely not the same version as on the B3 (3.3.8). Looks like they made some changes to the web interface; they added some java smart stuff that's nice but doesn't really tell if there's actually anything different under the hood.

To the point of configuring, I actually didn't change anything. The only issue I had was that Dovecot didn't have imap enabled and that prevented me from logging on to Horde. I do remember having cursed a lot at Horde before discovering that the cause was Dovecot though...
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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by RandomUsername »

I can't remember what I had to do to configure Horde, it was so long ago. I do remember having to log in to Horde as an admin user to do it though.
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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by amishorn »


Just a short question - what do I actually have to install on my B3 if I wanna get roundcube running on it? (I won't use horde anymore since it has to be updated to vers. >5.1 for caldav sync) From the apt package manager I got a list of several packages, however, I am not sure if I just need the roundcube-plugins or the full roundcube package?

Following the list from apt...
  • roundcube - skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers - metapackage
    roundcube-core - skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers
    roundcube-mysql - metapackage providing MySQL dependencies for RoundCube
    roundcube-pgsql - metapackage providing PostgreSQL dependencies for RoundCube
    roundcube-plugins - skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers - plugins
    roundcube-sqlite3 - metapackage providing SQLite dependencies for RoundCube
    roundcube-plugins-extra - skinnable AJAX based webmail solution - extra plugins
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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by RandomUsername »

Roundcube-core is the main package I'd hazard. Never installed from the repos, it's easy enough to install from source and you get the added bonus of it being more up to date.
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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by Binkem »

Just upgraded from version 0.5.x to version 0.9.5 using the installto script provided in the Roundcube package. No problems whatsoever. :)

Now i'm very happy.
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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by amishorn »

Hi again

So, I decided to install roundcube on my B3 and went through the installation guideline. Everything worked fine and also the configuration test was passed, however, now I don't know how to go on - i.e. how I can use roundcube...
b.t.w. I installed (or better placed) all roundcube files within the folder
  • /home/web/roundcubemail-0.9.5/

But now my question is, how can I access the web interface of roundcube?

Ok, I just got it - I didn't realize that I have to refer to the installation directory...
Was a typical newbie fault... sorry!

But, now I've got another question... As I mentioned above, acutally I would like to have all my calendar entries stored on the NAS and wanna sync them by using the CalDav protocol. That's the major reason why I installed Roundcube. However, I find no calendar... Is because of a special setting or do I need to install an additional plugin?

Thanks for any advice!

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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by RandomUsername »

There is no native calendar function. I haven't used a calendar plugin for a while but I remember there being a pretty good one that would sync with GMail etc.
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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by Ubi »

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Re: Roundcube 0.8

Post by amishorn »


Yes, I've also seen that there is a plugin available, however, I was not sure if that is the "official" way... But now, I installed the calendar and it looks great!
But, now I am in front of my biggest issue - since I would like to sync the B3 calendar with my smart phone (Jolla) and with the icedove calendar I was looking for the URL of the calendar on B3. According to a manual from I need to install the moreuserinfo_plugin as well only in order to get the right URL. So I thought I could derive the appropriate URL from the picture that is shown on this page (see attachment) and tried to open the URL: with the konqueror. However, the only I got was the message, that the file was not found.

And here is my question:
Is there a common place where the calendar information is stored or is it individually so that I have to install this additional plugin? I only ask since it is a fee required plugin...

MyRoundcube_CaldavInfo.jpeg (133.98 KiB) Viewed 35718 times
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