What I did was to add the app external storage support, and then under admin settings I was able to add an external storage. I added a folder named, music, with the external storage, local, and the configuration, /home/storage/music. I enabled it for all users. Under files I have the following folders documents, music, photos and shared. In the music folder I have access to the music folders under /home/storage/music.
I have also installed the app music but there are some problems with playing shared files. There is already an issue about this topic on github:
https://github.com/owncloud/music/issues/138. The only thing that happens when I click the music app is that application view is white with the word loading and I can still see the navigation bar and search/settings.
I also added /home/storage/pictures to the photos folder. I can access my pictures by clicking on the photos folder but I can´t access them through the gallery app. The only thing that happens is that the application view is white and I can still see the navigation bar and search/settings.
That both the music and gallery are not responding for a long time, is that because there some kind of scanning going on in the background that takes alot of power or is it something else?
Best Regards