Hi all!
Check out the shop now, heavily discounted prices on the 1 TB B3:
1395 SEK / 168 EUR for the B3 1TB
1695 SEK / 204 EUR for the B3 WiFi 1TB
all prices include VAT, non-VAT prices are 20% less.
(Note that we have some issues with the website so front-page prices are still high for some reason)
[Edit: EUR prices now corrected, was a tad too high from start]
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Summer campaign!
Summer campaign!
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Re: Summer campaign!
Just ordered my first B3 !! Thanks a lot, my B2 will feel less lonely ...
Re: Summer campaign!
Can't wait to receive my B3! Hope it will arrive soon 

Re: Summer campaign!
Hi all,
I'm somewhat puzzled to find that the summer campaign has somehow evolved to become the official price tag on the two sole remaining Bubba products to be offered for sale: the 1TB B3 and the 1 TB B3 wifi. Excito doesn't even sell the S1 any more and my local dealer who apparently took at least one on stock actually wants ~50 euro more for the S1 than he currently sells the B3 for. Rolling on the floor, but not because I'm laughing but because I fell of my chair! Can Excito please enlighten us on what's happening with the product and whether they intend to pull the plug on support and community at some point?
I'm somewhat puzzled to find that the summer campaign has somehow evolved to become the official price tag on the two sole remaining Bubba products to be offered for sale: the 1TB B3 and the 1 TB B3 wifi. Excito doesn't even sell the S1 any more and my local dealer who apparently took at least one on stock actually wants ~50 euro more for the S1 than he currently sells the B3 for. Rolling on the floor, but not because I'm laughing but because I fell of my chair! Can Excito please enlighten us on what's happening with the product and whether they intend to pull the plug on support and community at some point?
Re: Summer campaign!
@Gordon, this is a pure business decision, we found that the summer campaign sold higher than expected volumes and didn't want to mess with that. We have running production of the B3 and this will continue as long as we sell them, and right now the sales is quite stable. It is not a secret that the B3 is our second priority now after our new business on the TV side, and at some point we will try to hand parts of the project over to the community, but only if and when you/they are up for it. We are right now working on a security update (including an intrusion-cleanup fix) and we will finalize that first before thinking about the next step.
If you talk to your local dealer please ask them to contact us, we can do a deal on that S1 so it won't be stuck on his shelf forever.
with bubbalove
If you talk to your local dealer please ask them to contact us, we can do a deal on that S1 so it won't be stuck on his shelf forever.
with bubbalove
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Re: Summer campaign!
Hi Johannes,
I did not contact that dealer, but I was seriously amazed to find the extension disk cabinet higher in price than the base system (and the S1 in fact not available in the Excito webshop). The reason I checked was because someone asked me for a NAS type device that their smart TV could connect to and he thought that having mirrored disks would keep his files safer. IMO for home use I think you're better off with a base unit and a USB disk that you fire up when doing a backup than constantly mirroring all disk activity. Or better still: a second base unit that could even sit on a remote location. We'll see, he's coming by for a demo tomorrow.
I did not contact that dealer, but I was seriously amazed to find the extension disk cabinet higher in price than the base system (and the S1 in fact not available in the Excito webshop). The reason I checked was because someone asked me for a NAS type device that their smart TV could connect to and he thought that having mirrored disks would keep his files safer. IMO for home use I think you're better off with a base unit and a USB disk that you fire up when doing a backup than constantly mirroring all disk activity. Or better still: a second base unit that could even sit on a remote location. We'll see, he's coming by for a demo tomorrow.
Re: Summer campaign!
exactly. OT but I can't pace myself - RAID is not for backup, it's for uptime/availability! 

/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Re: Summer campaign!
and in the B3 setup uptime is not improved by the S1 either, as the unit will not boot without the primary disk.