Apparently the best thing out on the market today is the RFXtrx433 transceiver from Rfxcom. It already supports a long list of devices and you can flash the firmware whenever updates become available to support even more devices. At just under €100,- pricing is also reasonable.
Looking for Linux based or compatible home automation software that utilize the RFXtrx433 I stumbled upon the Domoticz project. While not explicitly meant to run on Pi, they do offer a binary download and even a complete configured OS image for this (ARM driven) device. Shamefully the binary they offer does not run on the B3 though, not even after I checked dependencies and added the missing Installing from source was the only option.
At first I couldn't get the software to find my RFXtrx433 and I started worrying that this might be caused by the bad support for the FTDI serial to USB chip in squeeze. Luckily this proved easy to solve by simply installing libftdi1 and it instantly registered the buttons on my remote - fab

If anyone else is interested in this project, you don't have to compile it yourself. I've packaged the resulting file and added this to my repository. It will also pull in the other required packages, so no worrying about that as well. All you need is an RFXtrx433 and/or other supported sensors and you're ready to go.