The goal is to power up any PC on my home network from work.
The PC that is to be powered up remotely has to have Wake On LAN capability, and WOL has to be enabled in BIOS.
All my PCs claim to have this ability, but it doesn’t actually work on all of them. This is yet another reason I will never again buy a motherboard from Asus.
Since I can access my Bubba from work using ssh, all I needed was some software on Bubba that was able to send the magic WOL network packet to the target PC. Etherwake is available in the Debian repositories, and will do just fine.
To install it, become root, and then uncomment the first three lines in /etc/apt/sources.list
Code: Select all
apt-get update
apt-get install etherwake
To use ehterwake, you need to know the MAC address of the main Ethernet network card of the PC you want to turn on. To find out on Windows, open a command prompt and type:
Code: Select all
ipconfig /all
Etherwake will not accept this format. You will have to replace the hyphens with commas:
To find the MAC address on a Linux machine, execute this as root:
Code: Select all
ifconfig -a
To turn on the PC, execute this on your Bubba as root:
Code: Select all
etherwake 00;1C;C0;14;2B;48