I thought you might be interested in how I am using my Bubba 2 for a sound system. I have been using it as a general NAS, also a mail server with roundcube and various home grown web based systems such as a Christmas postage list ( fairly topical at the moment), personal picture gallery as the ones provided are too slow for high number of pictures. I back it up regularly using SyncToy on the windows 7 machine.
I was given a Raspberry Pi for Christmas. My desire for a long time was to play all the music stored on the Bubba ( about 6000 tracks). I have been using a Sagem internet device that played well but was very hard to use and very slow to select a track and Internet station.
I installed SqueezePlug (Debian based music operating system) on the Pi. I used SqueezeLite as the player to a wireless DAC which connected to the valve amplifier. Squeezelite provides a higher (music) quality player than the default SqueezeSlave. I found that the Bubba had a Squeezebox server waiting to be used. So I switched it on and told it to scan the music library and went to bed. After some struggling I got the Pi to send the music to the DAC and found SqueezePad an IPad app which controls the player.
So now I have an easy method to scan, select and control my music collection along with easy access to internet stations all from the armchair.
I am now looking to install it on the Ubuntu machine in the kitchen. I can then control what my wife listens to from another room. Fantastic - a dream that will never be realised as her indoors rules the roost.
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My Squeezebox Setup
Re: My Squeezebox Setup
Excellent story! Thanks for sharing!
I've been trying to think up a reason for buying a Raspberry Pi for some time without success...
Can you get proper covers for them now?
Is it completely assembled when it is delivered? I used to be good at soldering, but too many years of abuse of alcohol, coffee, and cigarettes have left me with a bit of a a tremor condition...
I can still get it done if I have to, but it requires a proper setup with clamps, magnifiers etc, while I could once just do it by plugging in the soldering iron and get down to it
I love little gadgets like that.
I lately got one of these:

It sends IR signals to whatever devices that still requires them. You control it over the WiFI network (or ethernet depending on model)
So I have a script that turns on my old TV with my tellstick (It will start up on the default channel with the volume turned up real high). Then the script changes the channel and turns the volume down with this device.

I've been trying to think up a reason for buying a Raspberry Pi for some time without success...
Can you get proper covers for them now?
Is it completely assembled when it is delivered? I used to be good at soldering, but too many years of abuse of alcohol, coffee, and cigarettes have left me with a bit of a a tremor condition...
I can still get it done if I have to, but it requires a proper setup with clamps, magnifiers etc, while I could once just do it by plugging in the soldering iron and get down to it

I love little gadgets like that.
I lately got one of these:

It sends IR signals to whatever devices that still requires them. You control it over the WiFI network (or ethernet depending on model)
So I have a script that turns on my old TV with my tellstick (It will start up on the default channel with the volume turned up real high). Then the script changes the channel and turns the volume down with this device.
Perhaps you can start with "Hey, have you heard this tune.." - benignly introducing your magic powers of control, then perhaps by discretely controlling the volume of what she is playing, then slowly step it up from there?I can then control what my wife listens to from another room. Fantastic - a dream that will never be realised as her indoors rules the roost.

Last edited by Cheeseboy on 07 Jun 2013, 18:23, edited 1 time in total.
Re: My Squeezebox Setup
The PI (model b) is completely built.A case ( transparent is best so you can see the LEDs) are many and it easy to press the board in and put the lid on. You also buy a memory card and a power supply ( this must be good quality). You load an operating system using an image which you 'image' on the memory card. Connect up the ethernet and then use ssh - Use hdmi to connect to a monitor - all very straight forward.
I have now added Deezer and the best internet station - Radio Paradise.
Try it out - not an expensive option.
I have now added Deezer and the best internet station - Radio Paradise.
Try it out - not an expensive option.