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Ubi wrote:Then you really do not understand how munin works. But if you rather complain until you get exactly what you want instead of actually getting something really close to what you want, then indeed, keep going
Thanks for the productive and polite answer.
You may please help me understand how munin hooks into the existing B3 admin interface and extends it in a seamless and future-proof manner so than your extensions done in munin remains intact whenever Excito updates the B3.
If that is not the case then it is not me who has failed to understand the topic of this discussion and since it is I who started it I who own the preferential right of interpretation.
If you draw me a mockup on how you like to see this happening I'll show you.
Also I stated previously that the connectivity betwwen the current interface and the framework is the part that needs to be developed. This is still vastly better than building such a framework from scratch.
Ubi wrote:If you draw me a mockup on how you like to see this happening I'll show you.
Also I stated previously that the connectivity betwwen the current interface and the framework is the part that needs to be developed. This is still vastly better than building such a framework from scratch.
Then again you are on the meta level and munin will not be a solution to my request unless Excito develops such an interface and integrates it into the admin interface.
Maybe munin is great and maybe it will be able to reach the desired extensible admin interface if Excito decides to go down that track but since there has been no reactions, no feedback etc. and thus no signals that such an integration is planned or being worked upon one can only draw one conclusion and that is that munin currently is not a solution to this request.
That's a logical deduction so can you please stop taking this thread further off-topic!!!
For some reason you think Excito has unlimited dev capacity at your disposal and does not need to consider whether investing in development of your request is profitable. Whether this is the case depends on the the initial expense in development and subsequently the cost in maintainance. This together has to be less than the extra units shipped because of this addition. If you are serious about your request you should make a case that cost is lower than benefit. I gave you a pointer on how to achieve this. If you think that is offtopic then, in my opinion, you have no clue.
And I'm helping actually achieving this. Of course, this is in the potentially erroneous assumption you would actually like to have this addition because it would be an improvement for you, and that you did not post the request just to make an idle suggestion. Believe it or not , I actually think your suggestion is very good, but without a business case it is very unlikely to result in getting the manager of the devs interested. Yes this means you have to put more effort in it than sending a single line to a request forum.