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Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
Is there some way to troubleshoot the process to upgrade B2 from 2.0 to 2.4? Like get a terminal running so I can watch it and see where it's failing? All I can seem to find in the forums are spots where people had trouble then everything magically worked all of a sudden with no explanation of how they got it to work, or an offer to send it to Sweden and have Excito do it - not my idea of a fun hobbyist server. Last time I wanted to install (switch from mag to ssd), I had to send to Sweden because I couldn't get it (software install process) to work here with the usb stick i got from Excito. I can't even get the stick they sent back with it to re-install 2.0 on it. All it does is sit there and blink at 2 hz every time, never switching to 4. Sometimes it engages the USB (light comes on) and sometimes it doesn't. The only advice in the tutorial is to keep retrying the process. Is there any more useful advice? And how is this a good process if it isn't deterministic? I've downloaded the software several times and put it to the USB stick. I've seen conflicting requirements about needing to be connected to WAN or not, and I've tried both. I don't get why this is so difficult. I'd appreciate any help as I'm EXTREMELY frustrated.
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
Now that I've calmed down a little bit, I'd like to add some more data, as well as ask some questions for clarification. I initially tried the upgrade with the PARTITION=0 and FORMAT=0 but when that didn't work I put them both back to 1 and those are the options I used for every ensuing attempt.
- I have a Patriot 32GB SSD on my device.
- There were no other problems with my device before I began the upgrade.
- I've confirmed the downloaded install zip matches the SHA1 hash.
- I'm using Excito branded USB, so presumably it is FAT and partitioned as necessary. I have replaced the default install (old) with the downloaded 2.4.
- I started with (I think) 2.0.5, or whatever the latest version is via software repository updates. I can no longer access it so can't go back and confirm version #.
- When I attempt a straight boot, it seems to boot as normal but I cannot access it. Nmap says:
- When I attempt the install and plug in power while holding the button, the light on the B2 blinks at 2Hz. The light on the USB blinks once, then rapidly several times, then stays steady on. The light on B2 continues blinking at 2Hz without stop.
- It will also not install from another (unmodified) Excito branded USB key, specifically labeled as configured for SSD. Is there something I should be doing to the generic download/install file to make it also specially configured for SSD?
- Does the WAN link need to be plugged into the Internet on re-install? I've seen it listed both ways, and I've tried it both ways to no success.
- Do the install files go into /install on the usb, or just onto the usb? I have yet to see a clear/unambiguous answer to this on these forums and what the directory structure should look like on the install usb. I've tried it several different ways. Simply, what should the USB drive look like (files & paths)?
- How long does the power button need to be held down for? Until the blue light starts blinking at 2hz? For 5 seconds after boot up? For 5 seconds after 2hz? I've seen numerous answers to this question on the forums. Which is correct? I've tried every different answer I could find.
- Is there any special configuration required for SSD? I have one labeled as configured for SSD but not sure what's different about it. It doesn't work either so not sure if it matters.
- Is there anything else I've missed?
- I recognize this is headless, but using some other output method for logging to indicate where the errors are would be phenomenal. An error message logged back to the USB (even at minimum size of 512, there is plenty of space for a few bytes worth of error msg), or packets sent out on the net to be picked up by Wireshark would both be easy to implement and easy to use.
Again, I appreciate any help you can offer. I don't really feel like waiting a month or more for this to go all the way to Sweden and back, plus paying for shipping. If there are JTAG headers I can solder and flash or debug this another way, that'd be ok too.
- I have a Patriot 32GB SSD on my device.
- There were no other problems with my device before I began the upgrade.
- I've confirmed the downloaded install zip matches the SHA1 hash.
- I'm using Excito branded USB, so presumably it is FAT and partitioned as necessary. I have replaced the default install (old) with the downloaded 2.4.
- I started with (I think) 2.0.5, or whatever the latest version is via software repository updates. I can no longer access it so can't go back and confirm version #.
- When I attempt a straight boot, it seems to boot as normal but I cannot access it. Nmap says:
Code: Select all
Starting Nmap 5.21 ( ) at 2013-04-01 21:06 EDT
Nmap scan report for colosseum.home (
Host is up (0.00015s latency).
All 1000 scanned ports on colosseum.home ( are filtered
MAC Address: 00:22:02:00:11:38 (Excito Elektronik i Skne AB)
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 21.24 seconds
- It will also not install from another (unmodified) Excito branded USB key, specifically labeled as configured for SSD. Is there something I should be doing to the generic download/install file to make it also specially configured for SSD?
- Does the WAN link need to be plugged into the Internet on re-install? I've seen it listed both ways, and I've tried it both ways to no success.
- Do the install files go into /install on the usb, or just onto the usb? I have yet to see a clear/unambiguous answer to this on these forums and what the directory structure should look like on the install usb. I've tried it several different ways. Simply, what should the USB drive look like (files & paths)?
- How long does the power button need to be held down for? Until the blue light starts blinking at 2hz? For 5 seconds after boot up? For 5 seconds after 2hz? I've seen numerous answers to this question on the forums. Which is correct? I've tried every different answer I could find.
- Is there any special configuration required for SSD? I have one labeled as configured for SSD but not sure what's different about it. It doesn't work either so not sure if it matters.
- Is there anything else I've missed?
- I recognize this is headless, but using some other output method for logging to indicate where the errors are would be phenomenal. An error message logged back to the USB (even at minimum size of 512, there is plenty of space for a few bytes worth of error msg), or packets sent out on the net to be picked up by Wireshark would both be easy to implement and easy to use.
Again, I appreciate any help you can offer. I don't really feel like waiting a month or more for this to go all the way to Sweden and back, plus paying for shipping. If there are JTAG headers I can solder and flash or debug this another way, that'd be ok too.
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
And some more data:
I was able to boot normally and connect to original installation; I am in fact posting this while using the b2 as a transparent proxy. Still can't get an install to take; this tells me a problem with install mechanism or USB key. Since I am on the device, are there any logs that might indicate a specific usb problem?
In /var/log/debug, I get some stuff that coincides with some of my attempts, but doesn't appear useful. I will post some here in case I'm missing something. It also doesn't seem to have appeared for every attempt (there are a lot of attempts).
I was able to boot normally and connect to original installation; I am in fact posting this while using the b2 as a transparent proxy. Still can't get an install to take; this tells me a problem with install mechanism or USB key. Since I am on the device, are there any logs that might indicate a specific usb problem?
In /var/log/debug, I get some stuff that coincides with some of my attempts, but doesn't appear useful. I will post some here in case I'm missing something. It also doesn't seem to have appeared for every attempt (there are a lot of attempts).
Code: Select all
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: Found legacy serial port 0 for /soc8313@e0000000/serial@4500
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: mem=e0004500, taddr=e0004500, irq=0, clk=133333334, speed=0
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: Found legacy serial port 1 for /soc8313@e0000000/serial@4600
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: mem=e0004600, taddr=e0004600, irq=0, clk=133333334, speed=0
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: Top of RAM: 0x10000000, Total RAM: 0x10000000
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: Memory hole size: 0MB
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: On node 0 totalpages: 65536
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c03fec70, node_mem_map c0602000
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: DMA zone: 512 pages used for memmap
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: DMA zone: 65024 pages, LIFO batch:15
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: time_init: decrementer frequency = 33.333333 MHz
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: time_init: processor frequency = 333.333335 MHz
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: clockevent: decrementer mult[8888887] shift[32] cpu[0]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 38 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 38
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:00.0: reg 10 32bit mmio: [0x000000-0x0fffff]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:00.0: reg 18 64bit mmio pref: [0x000000-0xfffffff]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:00.0: supports D1 D2
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:0e.0: reg 10 32bit mmio: [0x90000000-0x9000ffff]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:10.0: reg 10 io port: [0x1000-0x1007]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:10.0: reg 14 io port: [0x1008-0x100b]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:10.0: reg 18 io port: [0x1010-0x1017]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:10.0: reg 1c io port: [0x1018-0x101b]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:10.0: reg 20 io port: [0x1020-0x102f]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:10.0: reg 24 32bit mmio: [0x90010000-0x900103ff]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:10.0: reg 30 32bit mmio pref: [0x000000-0x07ffff]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci 0000:00:10.0: supports D1 D2
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 18 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 18
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 20 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 20
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 0 io: [0x00-0xfffff]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 1 mem: [0x90000000-0x9fffffff]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 2 pref mem [0x80000000-0x8fffffff]
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: Registering ipic with sysfs...
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: libata version 3.00 loaded.
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 9 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 16
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 10 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 17
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 71 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 71
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 74 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 74
Apr 2 04:15:57 colosseum kernel: sata_sil 0000:00:10.0: version 2.4
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 16 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 19
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 32 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 32
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 33 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 33
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 34 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 34
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 35 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 35
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 36 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 36
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 37 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 37
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 48 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 48
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 17 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 21
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 14 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 22
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 15 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 23
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: irq: irq 11 on host /soc8313@e0000000/pic@700 mapped to virtual irq 24
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: usb-storage: device found at 3
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 81627
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 81610
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 18552
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 81612
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 81611
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 81608
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 81607
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 81606
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 81605
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode 81604
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 43 00 00 00
Apr 2 04:15:58 colosseum kernel: usb-storage: device scan complete
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
You're quite right to get upset, it's really annoying
Once upon a time the installer opened a telnet console during installation, but I cant find any documents any more.
What sometimes helps is putting the installer files on an external USB HDD, rather that a thumb drive.
Also, just to rule out it's a HDD-interaction problem, do you have like an old regular HDD that you can use as a control. There's a minute chance the installer just doesn't like the SSD controller. Did you search if your model of SSD has specific problems with Debian?
As for your questions:
* installing from USB does not require a network connection
* your USB stick or HDD should have a folder named 'install' in the root, and nothing else. Inside the 'install' folder there's stuff. There's no bootloader or nothing. This is because the B2 doesnt actually boot from the USB disk, but just uses the data.
* Pressing the power button for an SSD should be very short, but it doesnt hurt if you do it for too long. AFAIK you should press it untill the blinking begins, but in my experience just 10 seconds after you plugged in power should do it. If you have a light on the USB disk you should see it start working.
* There is no special config for SSD.
* AFAIK you're doing it exactly like you should.
Hope this helps a little bit
Once upon a time the installer opened a telnet console during installation, but I cant find any documents any more.
What sometimes helps is putting the installer files on an external USB HDD, rather that a thumb drive.
Also, just to rule out it's a HDD-interaction problem, do you have like an old regular HDD that you can use as a control. There's a minute chance the installer just doesn't like the SSD controller. Did you search if your model of SSD has specific problems with Debian?
This is strange: the ext3 error can only come from the HDD, which I assumed was empty. If it is not empty, would it be possible to completely empty the drive and also remove the partition table completely?ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode
As for your questions:
* installing from USB does not require a network connection
* your USB stick or HDD should have a folder named 'install' in the root, and nothing else. Inside the 'install' folder there's stuff. There's no bootloader or nothing. This is because the B2 doesnt actually boot from the USB disk, but just uses the data.
* Pressing the power button for an SSD should be very short, but it doesnt hurt if you do it for too long. AFAIK you should press it untill the blinking begins, but in my experience just 10 seconds after you plugged in power should do it. If you have a light on the USB disk you should see it start working.
* There is no special config for SSD.
* AFAIK you're doing it exactly like you should.
Hope this helps a little bit
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
What are you using to unpack and change the config file? Some Windows programs are trying to be helpful and change all text file to have line break Windows style instead of Unix style. The installer want work if the text files has windows style line break.
Once upon a time the installer could have problem if there was no internet connection since it tried to update time from an NTP server.You could turn this off with setting SETDATETIME=0. I do not know if it still have the same problem.
Once upon a time the installer could have problem if there was no internet connection since it tried to update time from an NTP server.You could turn this off with setting SETDATETIME=0. I do not know if it still have the same problem.
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
Ubi, now that I know what the "code" is, I know what set of options to try and it will hopefully focus my efforts. I am about to try with a larger regular USB external HDD now (posting while it formats to fat32). I have not searched my specific model of SSD, but it was one of the ones recommended by Excito when Bubba first started supported SSD (Patriot 32 GB).
The HDD is not empty on the bubba- I'm afraid to wipe it because at least right now I have a working bubba, even if it can't receive updates past 2.0.5. I'll try without wiping for a while yet and see what happens. I will adjust the set datetime option to 0, though.
Ryz, I am using leafpad 0.8 to edit the .cfg file - it's the default text editor that opened when i clicked the file; currently operating in Xubuntu 11.10. As it's linux, it shouldn't be introducing weird windows style characters to the file.
Thanks both for your responses. My hdd appears to have formatted so I'll give it a shot.
The HDD is not empty on the bubba- I'm afraid to wipe it because at least right now I have a working bubba, even if it can't receive updates past 2.0.5. I'll try without wiping for a while yet and see what happens. I will adjust the set datetime option to 0, though.
Ryz, I am using leafpad 0.8 to edit the .cfg file - it's the default text editor that opened when i clicked the file; currently operating in Xubuntu 11.10. As it's linux, it shouldn't be introducing weird windows style characters to the file.
Thanks both for your responses. My hdd appears to have formatted so I'll give it a shot.
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
Ok, so that didn't work either. I can still log into the device, though, and nothing new that's interesting in the debug log. I think I might next try installing a different hard drive on the device and attempting to start from scratch; this leaves me with a "known good" installation that is separate. Unless anyone has any other bright ideas.
But not tonight.
But not tonight.
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
Ok, so I'm now at a complete loss. I replaced the ssd inside bubba with a mag hdd, and wiped the partition table & and everything from it so it is a blank slate, and it still does same behavior...
hold power button, light on (flash drive, or external usb hdd, or whatever) blinks/comes on, b2 light blinks at 2hz forever. No dice.
If anyone has any other great ideas, I'm all ears. I'm not sending anything back to Sweden, and I'm not buying B3. This is the second time I've had issues putting f/w on a Bubba and I won't be tricked a 3rd.
hold power button, light on (flash drive, or external usb hdd, or whatever) blinks/comes on, b2 light blinks at 2hz forever. No dice.
If anyone has any other great ideas, I'm all ears. I'm not sending anything back to Sweden, and I'm not buying B3. This is the second time I've had issues putting f/w on a Bubba and I won't be tricked a 3rd.
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
If it wasn't for the fact that you actually have a running copy of 2.05 on that hardware I'd say the hardware is buggered.
I'm pretty sure that at this stage you're sick and tired of wasting hours mucking about with this machine. If not, I suppose one test would be to clonezilla your working HDD onto the new HDD to do a full test of hardware. Better still would be to clone a fresh 2.4 install off someone elses B2 onto your HDD and see if that boots. I realise these are not the simplest things to do, but it seems you've exhausted all the obvious things.
I guess you already contacted support in the last few days, but if not please do so.
I'm pretty sure that at this stage you're sick and tired of wasting hours mucking about with this machine. If not, I suppose one test would be to clonezilla your working HDD onto the new HDD to do a full test of hardware. Better still would be to clone a fresh 2.4 install off someone elses B2 onto your HDD and see if that boots. I realise these are not the simplest things to do, but it seems you've exhausted all the obvious things.
I guess you already contacted support in the last few days, but if not please do so.
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
If someone has a clean copy of an installed 2.4 they're willing to post somewhere I can get I'd be happy to do it. I'm not sure what cloning my current copy of 2.0.5 to another HDD would accomplish, though. I had not emailed support yet but I suppose I should probably do that.
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
Anyone? Excito support has been underwhelming.
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
sorry that our support does not work well for you. If you give me the ticket number I'll check it out.
Unfortunately it seems like you have a bad hardware. Some of the B2 boards does not take the installer USB stick very well, but usually (99 times out of 100 in my experience) it works if you are just persistent.
If it does not go to 4 Hz, just pull power and try again. My bet is that after 10 times it will work.
Really sorry for the fuzz. Our offer stands, send it to us (we pay your freight) and we'll make sure to reinstall it properly.
Unfortunately it seems like you have a bad hardware. Some of the B2 boards does not take the installer USB stick very well, but usually (99 times out of 100 in my experience) it works if you are just persistent.
If it does not go to 4 Hz, just pull power and try again. My bet is that after 10 times it will work.
Really sorry for the fuzz. Our offer stands, send it to us (we pay your freight) and we'll make sure to reinstall it properly.
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Re: Troubleshooting B2 Upgrade 2.0 to 2.4?
Well, I gave up and gave in... I mailed it last week.