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HomeAutomation 2.0
Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Thanks, Daniel. I will have another go in the next couple days.
Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Hm,when I follow the steps for console based installation in the Telldus wiki, I end up with this:
Must've forgot to uninstall something … Oh well, back to scouring the forum for information morsels.
Code: Select all
root@b3:~# apt-get install telldus-core
Läser paketlistor... Färdig
Bygger beroendeträd
Läser tillståndsinformation... Färdig
telldus-core är redan den senaste versionen.
0 att uppgradera, 0 att nyinstallera, 0 att ta bort och 0 att inte uppgradera.
Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Ok, then telldus-core is installed from the repository. Seems like it's broken in some way. You might try removing it and installing it again:fereous wrote:Code: Select all
telldus-core är redan den senaste versionen.
Code: Select all
apt-get purge telldus-core
apt-get install telldus-core
Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Tack Daniel! I will try this later on, but right now my head is spinning from the various steps of the installation.
One more question for now, though: How is it that telldus-core 2.0.4 is installed by »apt-get install« and not 2.1.1? Any special reason to prefer the older version?
One more question for now, though: How is it that telldus-core 2.0.4 is installed by »apt-get install« and not 2.1.1? Any special reason to prefer the older version?
Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Nooooo... The version that is installed by apt-get IS 2.1.1. If you still got 2.0.4 then that must be some old remains of an old installation. Did you really check that there was no telldus-core left in the system after doing the apt-get purge?fereous wrote:One more question for now, though: How is it that telldus-core 2.0.4 is installed by »apt-get install« and not 2.1.1? Any special reason to prefer the older version?
Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Still working on this. The 2.0.4 installation is extremly stubborn to get rid of. And it just dawned on me that the Telldus forum is the appropriate place for questions about installing Telldus software …
Thanks for your help so far, Daniel, and no doubt I'll be back soon.

Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Well, in fact users seldom have any problems with HomeAutomation, practically all support they need has with either telldus or cron/at to do. So I'm used
A tip for finding anything telldus related is to use the locate command. I don't know if it's installed from scratch or if it needs to be installed (using apt-get install mlocate), but once installed you just do a locate telldus to find anything...

A tip for finding anything telldus related is to use the locate command. I don't know if it's installed from scratch or if it needs to be installed (using apt-get install mlocate), but once installed you just do a locate telldus to find anything...
Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Update: I gave the Telldus people access to my B3, and they installed the Telldus software by specifying the version, thusly:
According to them, the Telldus packages are already included in Excito’s B3 archive, which is why the older version kept being pulled.
In one of my previous installation attempts, I tried the trick of commenting out all lines except the Telldus one in /etc/apt/sources.list, to no avail. Oh well, at least it’s working now. Now on to Home Automation!
Code: Select all
apt-get install telldus-core=2.1.1-1
In one of my previous installation attempts, I tried the trick of commenting out all lines except the Telldus one in /etc/apt/sources.list, to no avail. Oh well, at least it’s working now. Now on to Home Automation!
Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Yet Another Update (last one, promise): Everything sorted out and HomeAutomation running.
Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Oh, that's true. The version at is really old. Could I please ask Excito to either remove it from the repository or replace it with the latest version from wrote:According to them, the Telldus packages are already included in Excito’s B3 archive, which is why the older version kept being pulled.
Nice to hear that everything's now solved. Our experience is that once telldus-core is installed and working, installation of Homeautomation is a breeze

Re: HomeAutomation 2.0
Just like to notice that 3.0 has now been released. Check