Last Quote for shure...mike_nl wrote:That has not done the job...mike_nl wrote:I reply on myself....mike_nl wrote:On my B2 with i will upgade to All services for torrent are stopped and nothing is running.
I go to settings, then software update and push the button.
Some checks are running and then i get:
Failures found in package (dpkg) database, unable to continue with upgrade
Jesus, what's that? I know that my installation is ok.
Something wrong with the server?
Has somebody any idea?
Update and/upgrade via webrowser will not working.
Ok then i had started now the ssh console and have done:
apt-get update - was running OK
apt-get upgrade - means have to download around 67MB and it is busy right now.
I hope that will do the job. I will report later on that.
mpd and subversion was still active and the system tells me that the packages was not purged.
Oops, these packages are in everyday use. Ok de-installed the packages and cleanup the whole
system, now the web-ui does the job so far.
Will report once at the end of update. Jesus what a work before Xmas.
after all i get: Upgrade complete: 53 packages upgraded
bubba3-kernel 1:
filetransferdaemon 0.55
logitechmediaserver 7.7.2.dfsg1-1
It looks like that the system is back again. Thanks mike for the help