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Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
I want to install this image on bubba two on a disk that has been used before for the bubba two. However, I want to start from scratch. How do I need to parition and format my drive?
I already sent two mails to the past 4 days, but without any answer.
Any help appreciated!
I want to install this image on bubba two on a disk that has been used before for the bubba two. However, I want to start from scratch. How do I need to parition and format my drive?
I already sent two mails to the past 4 days, but without any answer.
Any help appreciated!
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
Hi guys,
Sorry about the delayed responses from support right now.
To manually partition the drives, do like this:
Sorry about the delayed responses from support right now.
To manually partition the drives, do like this:
- 1. Insert your disk onto any Linux system (live-CD in any computer works fine)
2. If parted doesn't exist on the system, install it
3. Run these commands:
Code: Select all
parted --script /dev/sdc --align optimal -- mklabel msdos
parted --script /dev/sdc --align optimal -- mkpart primary ext3 2048s 10GiB
parted --script /dev/sdc --align optimal -- mkpart primary ext3 10GiB -1024MiB
parted --script /dev/sdc --align optimal -- mkpart primary linux-swap -1024MiB -1
- 4. Then run the installer with partition=0 set in the config file. Done!
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
I've tried the fresh install with several USB-sticks but still can't boot my Bubba.
When I look at the partitions, I see that the bubba root and the lvm2-partition are formated, but the partition for the swap remains unformated. Formatting it myself doesn't help, althought the fstab-file shows an entry for the swap-partition.
Is there a fix or a workaround? Or am I doing something wrong? I'd really love to use my Bubba again.
When I look at the partitions, I see that the bubba root and the lvm2-partition are formated, but the partition for the swap remains unformated. Formatting it myself doesn't help, althought the fstab-file shows an entry for the swap-partition.
Is there a fix or a workaround? Or am I doing something wrong? I'd really love to use my Bubba again.
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
The swap is not actually formatted. The only command related to formatting is mkswap, but that just clears the volume. Still, even without swap the B2 should just boot up and work (although slowly).
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
Well, it keeps on flashing at 1hz, so there is a problem somewhere.
I'm leaving on holiday for two weeks tomorro, so I'll check this thread for updates when I get back.
And I'll try to analyse the log-files.
Anyway thanks for all the help and tips!
I'm leaving on holiday for two weeks tomorro, so I'll check this thread for updates when I get back.
And I'll try to analyse the log-files.
Anyway thanks for all the help and tips!
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
I recently upgraded my trusty B2 to 2.4.1. The installation seemed to go correctly, and the machine has the normal boot sequence: LED flashes at 1 Hz for a bit, then burns steadily. However, I cannot connect the machine to the network. The DHCP server is not showing the Bubba at all. I tried connecting with a crossover cable to both (B3 manual) and (old B2 default) using appropriate static IPs in each case. But I'm not seeing anything on the web browser or from ping.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I recently upgraded my trusty B2 to 2.4.1. The installation seemed to go correctly, and the machine has the normal boot sequence: LED flashes at 1 Hz for a bit, then burns steadily. However, I cannot connect the machine to the network. The DHCP server is not showing the Bubba at all. I tried connecting with a crossover cable to both (B3 manual) and (old B2 default) using appropriate static IPs in each case. But I'm not seeing anything on the web browser or from ping.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
Hi Johannes,
I am looking forward to my updated B2. But before I lay my hands on it I want to be very sure about what I am doing. Could you please confirm the proceedings that I found right of doing after reading your posting, the wiki article and what cwhommes wrote in this thread.
Scenario: B2, Raid1 (2 x 1 TB HD), software version 2.0.5
Option 1:
Does it make more sense to leave the bubba.cfg untouched and follow the steps as above and do a RAID-array recovery from the sdb after B2 is up and running again? (cwhommes approach)
Option 2:
Should I rather leave the RAID like it is during installation (change bubba.cfg and have an extra backup of home)?
I would prefer the option that is the quickiest.
Thanks for your help and as the others have said already: Great that you are taking the B2-community with you.
I am looking forward to my updated B2. But before I lay my hands on it I want to be very sure about what I am doing. Could you please confirm the proceedings that I found right of doing after reading your posting, the wiki article and what cwhommes wrote in this thread.
Scenario: B2, Raid1 (2 x 1 TB HD), software version 2.0.5
- Preferred approach:
- changing bubba.cfg variables format to 0 and partition to 0
- shutting down B2 and pull power cable
- unplug eSATA sdb (external RAID-disk)
- do installation via USB-stick
- after install: shutting down B2
- pluging in external disk again
- powering machine up

Option 1:
Does it make more sense to leave the bubba.cfg untouched and follow the steps as above and do a RAID-array recovery from the sdb after B2 is up and running again? (cwhommes approach)
Option 2:
Should I rather leave the RAID like it is during installation (change bubba.cfg and have an extra backup of home)?
I would prefer the option that is the quickiest.
Thanks for your help and as the others have said already: Great that you are taking the B2-community with you.
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
if the disk is missing the RAID system will flag the RAID1 as degraded and keeps on going.
If, during powerdown, you add the SDB and start up, the system will identify the sbd, and specifically the partition that has a partition identifier saying it is part of a RAID system, and then start rebuilding.
IF you plug in SDB the system will think that SDA is the master dusk and will overwrite your SDB disk. If you do not want this then you must first turn off the RAID and/or remove the disk from the RAID setup
Remove the DEVICE and ARRAY entry's associated with the array from /etc/mdadm.conf ... vices.html ... aid1_array
If, during powerdown, you add the SDB and start up, the system will identify the sbd, and specifically the partition that has a partition identifier saying it is part of a RAID system, and then start rebuilding.
IF you plug in SDB the system will think that SDA is the master dusk and will overwrite your SDB disk. If you do not want this then you must first turn off the RAID and/or remove the disk from the RAID setup
Code: Select all
mdadm -S /dev/md0 ... vices.html ... aid1_array
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
Thanks to nobody for the help.
Finally I decided to follow the approach of cwhomme, as this was also in line with the general instructions provided by excito.
Upgrading went smooth, and the syncing of the disks apparently, too. When I came back after some hours all files were there.
Keep in mind initial account settings: admin admin, and on ssh console: root excito
Finally I decided to follow the approach of cwhomme, as this was also in line with the general instructions provided by excito.
Upgrading went smooth, and the syncing of the disks apparently, too. When I came back after some hours all files were there.
Keep in mind initial account settings: admin admin, and on ssh console: root excito
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
Did the default password change? I just installed this version from an Excito USB stick, but I can't log in anymore.
Re: Release notes for Excito Bubba 2 software version 2.4.1
No, should be the same? admin/admin and root/excito (however, root has no access in the web interface, nor as ssh user, you have to do su once logged in as user).
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)