Just received my brand new B3 this week together with an extra disk to set up RAID configuration. In the days since my order I was looking around at the wiki's, howto's, fora and google for some things to do with my B3. One of these is: "Install_Bubba_on_RAID-1_volumes" (Initially I wanted to paste the URL here but the board would not let me)
Besides the /home in raid you also have your other partitions in RAID so you don't need to reconfigure everything if your disk in the B3 dies.
I know the Wiki is approved only for B2, but as it states: it should work for a B3 besides the U-boot stuff. Well seems to be that I can confirm this

I got to the point where I need to write a fw_env.config file and test the new environment:
Code: Select all
root@b3:/mnt/b3/boot# cat > /etc/fw_env.config << EOF
> #MTD definition for B3
> #MTD device name Device offset Env. size Flash sector size
> /dev/mtd0 0x050000 0x002000 0x010000
> /dev/mtd0 0x060000 0x002000 0x010000
root@b3:/mnt/b3/boot# fw_printenv
Warning: Bad CRC, using default environment
bootcmd=bootp; setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath} ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}:${gatewayip}:${netmask}:${hostname}::off; bootm
root@b3:/mnt/b3/boot# cat /etc/fw_env.config
#MTD definition for B3
#MTD device name Device offset Env. size Flash sector size
/dev/mtd0 0x050000 0x002000 0x010000
/dev/mtd0 0x060000 0x002000 0x010000
EDIT: for those interested see another topic. B3 fully on raid is possible
