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Can not restore Bubba2

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Can not restore Bubba2

Post by fseidl »


I tried to upgrade my Bubba2 from software version 1.9 something, but it failed. According to what I found here I tried to reinstall it from USB stick but so far I had no success, neither with my original Stick bought from Excito nor from Sticks I made myself for the new Version.

This is what I did:
- Partition the USB Stick
- Make the first partition a 500 MB FAT16 Partition and activate it
- Unzip the install directory onto the disk (in "/install")
- Reboot the excito (Power off - Power on) holding the on/off key
- it blinks slower, then faster as described
- it accesses the USB stick (according to its lamp)
- then after a while it blinks slow and accesses the USB stick (according to its lamp)

This last state does go for many hours now, I dont know if it will ever end. Does anybody now a hint what to do or is my Bubba2 basically a doorstopper now because I tried to reinstall it wrong?

I tried the orignal USB stick with the old software version, but the result is basically the same (keeps blinking in a littlebit slower rate and never boots properly).

The Bubba2 worked fine before (yes, I know I am a fool, but I use it as a router now and wanted to have a new software for security reasons) and is disconnected from everything except power supply and the usb stick. It has a 32 GB SSD DIsk. I never opened it or changed anything inside, but I added stuff to the kernel before (which I dont need anymore, another reason for the reinstall).

Edit: After one day, nothing has changed.

thank you for your help,
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Re: Can not restore Bubba2

Post by johannes »

Hi Florian, sorry that you are having troubles. And with the original Excito stick, it's the same? (You should not re-format or re-partition that one, just in case this is your issue).

The only problem I can think of is disk problems, which is known to halt the installer. Also, if you edited the installer config file errouneously this might halt the installer. Could any of those be a potential candidate?

If nothing else you are always welcome to send it to us. We will re-install it for you (free of course, however you pay the inbound freight), and we have means to monitor the install process and spot what's happening.
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
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Joined: 28 Aug 2010, 12:09

Re: Can not restore Bubba2

Post by fseidl »

johannes wrote:Hi Florian, sorry that you are having troubles. And with the original Excito stick, it's the same? (You should not re-format or re-partition that one, just in case this is your issue).
No,I did not do touch that one except reading it (in order to see how it is configured), but even that was after I tried to restore the bubba with it. I experimented with a bunch of sticks of my own until the bubba "reacted" to one I prepared as described.

I try again now with the orignal stick to make sure now I know a little more, but from what I have seen it was the same.

Btw, when I tried to access it via SSH, it was a timeout, and no ping package was returned.
johannes wrote:The only problem I can think of is disk problems, which is known to halt the installer. Also, if you edited the installer config file errouneously this might halt the installer. Could any of those be a potential candidate?
I did just unzip the installer as it is, I did not touch anything. Download, unzip /Users/florian/Downloads/ -D "/Volumes/USB DISK", that is it. I just wanted a default 2.4.1 configuration and I have no data on there to preserve. Disk problem - hard to say since it is a SSD and so I can not hear anything (that was the whole point in having the SSD ;-) ). Maybe I remove it, put it in an USB case and check?
johannes wrote:If nothing else you are always welcome to send it to us. We will re-install it for you (free of course, however you pay the inbound freight), and we have means to monitor the install process and spot what's happening.
That is very kind of you. I will try a little more, but I guess I will ask you to do that. I just hope Swiss customs will not give me a headache...
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Location: Sweden

Re: Can not restore Bubba2

Post by johannes »

Ok. Contact support ( if you need to send it to us after all. Swiss customs has never been any problems for us (as opposed to almost all other customs authorities, especially USA), but make sure to fill out the docs right (repair return etc) so the Swedish customs don't charge us for VAT.
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Posts: 10
Joined: 28 Aug 2010, 12:09

Re: Can not restore Bubba2

Post by fseidl »

Thank you very much for the repair, everything works like a charm now.
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