I seems that most things works very well, and even the new logitechmediaserver (LMS) is able to stream video to a Sony Bravia TV

What seems some more troublesome is the switch to forked-daapd, whitch have left me without music in any of my audio players (Amarok on Linux) around the house.

This was some of a bad discovery, since it was one of my more preferred B3 services. I have been digging a little around for a solution to this issue, and found that this bug was discovered later than the forked-daapd 1.9gcd was released (used in 2.4).
Issue #78 upstreams and its bugfix:
https://github.com/CBGoodBuddy/forked-d ... d18080705e
Any chance that this issue will be solved, or do I need to go back to the B3 Ver. 2.3.2 software to get back my music