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New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

The wonderful Firefox plugin for Excito's products
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Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by 6feet5 »


BubbaMon currently only knows how to identify a B1 or a B2, but the B3 uses same API as B2 so it should work. It will however not work when you test the connection from the configuration window.

Note that you still need to make a change in the software, similar to the one mentioned for the B2. The code differ a bit, but not much.

Code: Select all

        function stat(){


                if(!($this->uri->segment(2) == 'index' && $this->uri->segment(3) == 'json'))
                        $this->Auth_model->enforce_policy('web_admin','administer', 'admin');

And in case you wonder, I will hopefully be able to release a new version of BubbaMon sometime soon. I'm waiting for information from Excito that will solve the reconnect problem mentioned above.

The new version of BubbaMon will detect B3 as a compatible server and hopefully be compatible with the new Firefox4 (I've fixed it so it work with the beta I have). There are some issues with the new FF4 GUI that I haven't decided how to solve yet.

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Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by RandomUsername »

Hi Johan,

I'm currently migrating to FF4 and I've hit the milestone of every one of my FF3.6 add-ons having been updated to be compatible with FF4 or my having found an alternative, except for BubbaMon. Have you got any code you want beta-tested or even an ETA for a release?


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Location: Gnesta, Sweden

Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by 6feet5 »

Hi Darren,

No release yet. Tor and I sent some mails back and forth a while ago and I'm still waiting for information on how to solve the authentication issue. Since they were a couple of weeks away from releasing (then) I decided to redo a larger part of the GUI while waiting. I'm still working on this (progress has been slow, but I'm working on it now again). The thought has crossed my mind to make a minor release in between to support FF4 and detect B3, without the GUI change. Give me this weekend to see if it's possible without too much work.

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Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by RandomUsername »

Thanks Johan.

Let me know if I can help.

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Location: Gnesta, Sweden

Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by 6feet5 »


I've made a BubbaMon release candidate (I'll make a proper release when they release the real FF4). I've attached it to this post. I'll add it to my homepage once the real release is made.

Download it and open it in firefox. Since this is a release candidate, don't be surprised if it does weird things ;-) (though I think I've found all issues with FF4).

New features:
  • Support for Firefox 4
  • B3 is now detected as a supported server from configuration window
  • Fixed a bug where downloads with apostrophe in its name couldn't be canceled.
  • Fixed some other minor issues
Known issues:
  • You still need to change the bubba firmware so BubbaMon can access the information it needs. See previous posts on how to do this (they differ between B2 and B3).
Note that the new Firefox 4 doesn't have a status bar, where BubbaMon icon is located. The status bar has been replaced with a toolbar named "Add-on Bar", and I think you need to activate this toolbar manually. Check "View->Toolbars->Add-on Bar".

Feedback on how it's working is welcome (both in FF4 and older versions).

Best regards,

PS It appears I'm not allowed to attach files with an XPI extension, so you need to change the filename to "BubbaMon_0.11RC.xpi", before you open it in firefox or it will not be detected as a plugin.
BubbaMon 0.11RC
(28.26 KiB) Downloaded 2408 times
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Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by RandomUsername »

Thanks Johan.

I've just had a very quick play and so far, so good. Will shout if anything crops up.

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Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by Sanctus »


Is there an update for the latest Firefox release (Firefox 5)? Bubbamon is an invaluable tool! Thanks for the 0.11RC release! :D

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Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by ahoff »

What is the purpose of th line :

Code: Select all

i the stat.php-file?
The reason I'm asking is that when I updated the system to the latest version 2.4 RC-1, Bubbamon stopt woking with that line enabled.
Åke Hoff
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Location: Gnesta, Sweden

Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by 6feet5 »

Could you elaborate a bit more, "Bubbamon stopt working" isn't telling me much.

I don't know what the line you mention does. I'm guessing it load the language used by the UI, but I can't see how this would affect BubbaMon. I'm assuming you applied the patch mentioned earlier in this thread. Have you verified you typed it correctly? Could you show me the full stat() function?

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Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by ahoff »

Bubbamon keeps "Reconnecting..." , and when logd in as Admin in GUI, the "admin"-page is blank. Works like it shuld when that line is kommented out.
I am running a B2 and I have tryed both your mods of the stat.php-file with the same result. It's not of any problem, I just wonder what the line is good for sense I know almost less then nothing about php. :lol:
Åke Hoff
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Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by ahoff »

I forgot the file :oops:

Code: Select all


class Stat extends Controller{

	function stat(){


	        if(!($this->uri->segment(2) == 'index' && $this->uri->segment(3) == 'json'))
                $this->Auth_model->enforce_policy('web_admin','administer', 'admin');

#                load_lang("bubba",THEME.'/i18n/'.LANGUAGE);

#                    if(!($this->uri->segment(2) == 'index' && $this->uri->segment(3) == 'json')) {
#                    $this->Auth_model->RequireUser('admin');
#                }
#                    $this->Auth_model->EnforceAuth();
#                    load_lang("bubba",THEME.'/i18n/'.LANGUAGE);
#                }

#		$this->Auth_model->enforce_policy('web_admin','administer', 'admin');
#		$this->Auth_model->EnforceAuth('web_admin');

#	}
This one is working.
Åke Hoff
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Location: Gnesta, Sweden

Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by 6feet5 »


You say the web-admin page is blank, so I'm guessing an error occur during the load_lang call, and that cancels the stat function. In this case the gui might be empty (though I would expect an error message), and bubbamon will not get the information it expect and will then try to reconnect.

Are you sure your upgrade (2.4-RC1) went ok? Maybe a missing or corrupt language file?

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Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by ahoff »

6feet5 wrote:Weird.

Are you sure your upgrade (2.4-RC1) went ok? Maybe a missing or corrupt language file?

After some investigation it seems that in B2 version 2.3E and later the line we are talkin about are gone.
The function stat-section of stat.php shuld now look like this:

Code: Select all

 function stat(){


           if(!($this->uri->segment(2) == 'index' && $this->uri->segment(3) == 'json'))
                $this->Auth_model->enforce_policy('web_admin','administer', 'admin');
This is the B3 mod of the file, but it seems to work fine on B2 as well, if you run 2.3E or newer that is.
Åke Hoff
Posts: 60
Joined: 04 Mar 2011, 08:09

Re: New version of BubbaMon, the firefox extension

Post by AzP »

Any chance this plugin will be added to the official Firefox plugin repository? That would be automatic updates and easier install, etc.