BubbaMon currently only knows how to identify a B1 or a B2, but the B3 uses same API as B2 so it should work. It will however not work when you test the connection from the configuration window.
Note that you still need to make a change in the software, similar to the one mentioned for the B2. The code differ a bit, but not much.
Code: Select all
function stat(){
if(!($this->uri->segment(2) == 'index' && $this->uri->segment(3) == 'json'))
$this->Auth_model->enforce_policy('web_admin','administer', 'admin');
The new version of BubbaMon will detect B3 as a compatible server and hopefully be compatible with the new Firefox4 (I've fixed it so it work with the beta I have). There are some issues with the new FF4 GUI that I haven't decided how to solve yet.