The hard drive in your Bubba is the most sensitive part, it is recommended to keep the temperature as low as possible. According to the disk drive's data sheets, the operating temperature should not exceed 64°C (147°F) during operation, measured at the disk itself. However, keeping the temperature even lower will ensure a long life. Make sure that the ventilator openings on Bubba aren't covered, and don't place Bubba directly on top of or under other hot equipment.
All disk drives has built in temperature sensors. One way to check the temperature is to use the application
Using ssh, log on to Bubba (as your regular user). Type
to become root. The root password is
To reach the 'hddtemp' Debian package, we have to enable that repository. Type
Uncomment the row saying
Code: Select all
#deb sarge main removing the # sign. Save and exit. To update the package lists, type:
Now, to install, type
You will get a screen asking for some settings. Following the default choices works good.
Now, restore the sources.list file:
Put back the comment on the line saying:
Code: Select all
deb sarge main
Save and exit.
Now you're done! To check the temperature, type:
It should answer something like:
To allow for easier access to the temperature, you can always install
phpsysinfo or other similar tools. This isn't in the scope of this guide however.