johannes wrote:If you know it's IP you can just set a computer to a fixed IP in the same range adn ssh to that IP? Or you don't know it's IP?
I have a registered FQDN:
I have connected to my ISP so I get from it a dynamic IP.
I can run the command from my desktop machine:
and get a result shown bellow: has address
so I always can know my Bubba Two's IP.
So, knowing this IP address, I can set a computer on my LAN so I can ping to my Bubba.
Say I have an old laptop on my LAN and on it I have running Debian SID.

I have to setup a network interface on Debian SID for this:
In /etc/network/interfaces I have setup a nic for this now:
Code: Select all
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
After this setup I have to run the command on my laptop:
Code: Select all
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
so now I can ping my Bubba Two from my LAN (from my old laptop).
Still I can't to ssh from there to my Bubba Two:
If I did:
I get message:
Code: Select all
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
What can I do now?