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What server can Bubba support?

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Joined: 03 Dec 2010, 01:41

What server can Bubba support?

Post by innosia »

Hi all

I am new to web hosting, server, etc. I want to know, is it possible to turn Bubba b3 into a web server hosting terabytes of file and support multi user downloading the file?

I have some programming skill+2 terabytes of materials that I want to make it possible for download for multi users registered to the website. What kind of requirement that I should note? For example hardware spec, internet connection speed, software?
Posts: 38
Joined: 03 Dec 2010, 07:18

Re: What server can Bubba support?

Post by kjellberg »

Well, first of all you need to realise the fact that this is a verry light weight machine. If you want to host several hundreds downloads simultaneously, you will probably have to look at a larger machine. But if you intend to have a couple of downloads at a time, then you will be fine.
The OS, filesystem and server applications run on the B3 are the same as on large scale servers, so that wont be a problem.
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Re: What server can Bubba support?

Post by Cheeseboy »

I must say that I have always been amazed with what the Bubbas have been able to handle, considering the hardware.
I had some issues with the Bubba2 when I got a 100-100MBit/s connection and left my torrent client (on my PC, not on the bubba) uncapped - when it was pumping more than 7 Mbyte/s up and down to hundreds of connected users, the load average as reported by top and uptime grew to 12+, and then it would become unstable and unresponsive. This meant the system was unable to cope with it's basic task as a router.
This has not been an issue with B3. Things that have failed on the B3 has been due to the process taking up far too much CPU and IO rather than the system itself (if you see what I mean).

So in short: there used to be a bottleneck in the B2, it could not cope with the potential overhead of the 2 gigabit NICs. This does not seem to be a problem with the B3 anymore, but you still have to think about resources, it is a small single 32 bit CPU with limited memory, no FPU and a single SATA disk.

I average about 3TB/month out from my Bubba, and it is not even stretching it. But this is mostly torrents and FTP, not 300 web clients all requesting the same 1 GB download at once...
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Joined: 03 Dec 2010, 01:41

Re: What server can Bubba support?

Post by innosia »

Wow cheeseboy, that is a nice example.
I am a bit confident after reading your story, it seems that B3 is able to handle 3TB of data a month with 100-100MBit/s connection? If it is torrent, than it probably have a software running to upload/download the data through tcp/ip. While web download is over http which will probably slow down the speed of the web server since it need to upload to multiple user at the same time, though maybe different file.

It seems that B3 has problems with process? maybe unloading something not useful can help? Probably trace the package that use too much CPU?
Posts: 38
Joined: 03 Dec 2010, 07:18

Re: What server can Bubba support?

Post by kjellberg »

I think you missunderstood that a bit. The B3 has no more problems with processes that grows to large than any other system (as far as I have seen/heard).
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