B3 user's manual can now be found on our web page under "Support", "Manuals and other Downloads".
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B3 User's Manual
Re: B3 User's Manual
One questions, after skimming the manual: I can't find any of the language options (neither the per-user language setting or the "Time and language" settings) on my B3. Is this something that will be there in next release or am I missing something?
One questions, after skimming the manual: I can't find any of the language options (neither the per-user language setting or the "Time and language" settings) on my B3. Is this something that will be there in next release or am I missing something?
Re: B3 User's Manual
Yep, in the next release there will be options to set the language (coming within one or two weeks). Only English and German for now.
Re: B3 User's Manual
Not swedish? I'm a bit disappointed hereMagnus wrote:Only English and German for now.

(Okej, okej, jag får väl fortsätta managera på engelska då. Men ni marknadsför er ju ganska hårt med att ni är ett svenskt företag...)
Re: B3 User's Manual
Regarding other languages than English or German..
We have designed it so that it is possible to add more languages quite easy (if you know your Linux). Maybe we will see B3 users adding there own language files soon..?
We have designed it so that it is possible to add more languages quite easy (if you know your Linux). Maybe we will see B3 users adding there own language files soon..?

Re: B3 User's Manual
Well, that won't be a problem. Just tell us where to find the files to translate and I'm sure you'll get lot more languages. Right guys?Magnus wrote:Maybe we will see B3 users adding there own language files soon..?
