1. Make sure that you are using latest and greatest version 2 of the Bubba|Two software.
Go to the Status page under Settings and confirm that Software Version are 2.0.x
No matter what, you should make sure you got the latest updates from Excito by going to Software updates under Settings and update.
2. SSH into your Bubba|Two from you internal workstation.
I you are using Linux you just ssh right from a terminal by: ssh your-bubba-account@bubba.local
your-bubba-account should of curse have SSH enabled from the GUI.
If you are on a much less feature rich operatingsystem like Windows, please have a look at the Bubba|Two manual in section "Custumizing Bubba - SW & HW".
3. Now you are logged into Bubba|Two you change to superuser by: su
Enter the su password according to the manual section mentioned above.

4. Update the package lists by: apt-get update
5. Install the "minidlna" package from the standard repository by: apt-get install minidlna
6. Now your are done with the Bubba|Two part, quit your ssh session by: exit (done twice)
7. Go to your Sony television and go to "Networksettings" and search for a server.
Could be somthing like:
[HOME] -> 'Settings' -> 'Network Settings' -> [+] -> 'Server Display Setting' -> [Options] -> 'Update List'.
Your Bubba|Two shoud now show up in the list as 'BUBBA|TWO DLNA Server', and you can exit the settings by: [HOME] and go left on the menu to either 'Photo', 'Music' or 'Video'. Under either of these you should now find the 'BUBBA|TWO DLNA Server'.

The bug could be fixed manually after installation, but should and hopefully will be fixed in the minidlna packet some time.

and then enabling automatically startup slightly changed from default: update-rc.d minidlna defaults 21