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Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
It''s in the mail
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Some comments on this update in response to tors post:
- Would be nice to update to FirePlay 0.92.
- Cannot click on a folder in the file manager to "drill down", you need to double click or hit the arrow at the right of the line.
- If the file transfer daemon is not running and you try to add a download in the download page you get a PHP error rather than something tell you the FTD is disabled.
- Separate default website configuration from bubba-updates. This will allow users to configure their own security for the default website and not have them over-written when you perform an update.
- The administration icon should only appear if you are NOT logged in as admin (or not logged in), and should also open a new tab or window so that you can kind of "su" to the admin user, then just log out from admin an still have your previous user session active.
- FirePlay seem to be affected by the admin console. If you playing music with FirePlay then login in another tab to say download something, then logout, this logs FirePlay out as well. This could be also caused by the proxy at work.Apart from that we really would like feedback on what works and what don't in the new UI. Any rough edges? Anything annoying on navigation or operation? Something that you think works well? Please let us know.
- Would be nice to update to FirePlay 0.92.
- Cannot click on a folder in the file manager to "drill down", you need to double click or hit the arrow at the right of the line.
- If the file transfer daemon is not running and you try to add a download in the download page you get a PHP error rather than something tell you the FTD is disabled.
- Separate default website configuration from bubba-updates. This will allow users to configure their own security for the default website and not have them over-written when you perform an update.
- The administration icon should only appear if you are NOT logged in as admin (or not logged in), and should also open a new tab or window so that you can kind of "su" to the admin user, then just log out from admin an still have your previous user session active.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Yeah, the login mechanism for FirePlay is a bit flakey:
- Load the bubba admin console, click music.
- A new tab is opened where you have to click on music again to get the login prompt.
- Enter username and password, click login, and FirePlay is displayed.
- Switch to first tab, click downloads and login with the same user.
- Logout, not FirePlay stops working and asks for a username and password, where none of the users of the bubba work... looks like it is hitting to admin UI of my router at this point.
- Load the bubba admin console, click music.
- A new tab is opened where you have to click on music again to get the login prompt.
- Enter username and password, click login, and FirePlay is displayed.
- Switch to first tab, click downloads and login with the same user.
- Logout, not FirePlay stops working and asks for a username and password, where none of the users of the bubba work... looks like it is hitting to admin UI of my router at this point.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Just a comment on the "double click" in the filemanager.
Since we added the possibility to use "ctrl-click" and "shift-click" to select multiple files, traversing the filemanager on single-click is no longer possible on single click. Also the files and folders need to be selectable in order to perform actions on them.
Since we added the possibility to use "ctrl-click" and "shift-click" to select multiple files, traversing the filemanager on single-click is no longer possible on single click. Also the files and folders need to be selectable in order to perform actions on them.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Okay that's great actually.
I figured what annoys me about file manager. It was not the double-click specifically, but the delay until an action occurs. It makes the UI feel slow and klunky. If you could animate first (or while) then load the files and folders into the list that will make the response of FM "feel" more snappy. It just feels like you missed your double-click all the time.
Okay that's great actually.
I figured what annoys me about file manager. It was not the double-click specifically, but the delay until an action occurs. It makes the UI feel slow and klunky. If you could animate first (or while) then load the files and folders into the list that will make the response of FM "feel" more snappy. It just feels like you missed your double-click all the time.

Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Also, don't deselect when clicking the same item except if ctrl is pressed. This will keep the selection from flashing on and off as you are double clicking through the folder structure. Make the UI look a little cleaner.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Fireplay does not support Flac format... otherwise perfect...
B3 1T + B-Stor 2T, B2 1T as backup
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Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
UI comment...
One thing that I find quit annoying is the fixed height of the lists on the filemanager and download pages. It looks stupid on a larger monitor and makes it hard to navigate on a small screen when there are two vertical scollbars. I would prefer if the lists adjusted to the window and (on the download page) placed the "add download" form at the bottom of the window (not the bottom of the page).
This would be a very easy thing to do in css, but it gets quite messy since you have used tables (sic) for page layout.
One thing that I find quit annoying is the fixed height of the lists on the filemanager and download pages. It looks stupid on a larger monitor and makes it hard to navigate on a small screen when there are two vertical scollbars. I would prefer if the lists adjusted to the window and (on the download page) placed the "add download" form at the bottom of the window (not the bottom of the page).
This would be a very easy thing to do in css, but it gets quite messy since you have used tables (sic) for page layout.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
I was hoping this would solve the samba issue, I and others are still having. However, on rebooting after the latest bugfix I still get the following:Carl wrote:
We have now released an bugfix to resolve the upgrade issues some people have had
Code: Select all
wies@bubba:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/samba status
nmbd is running.
smbd is not running failed!
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
More UI comments:
Start up the bubba admin console, click photo album or webmail. You'll download a "download(12)" file containing a PHP error. This is because I don't have these services active.
Now I probably don't have to tell you this but, PHP errors don't look very nice. A "Service not available. Please login as admin and go to the services page to activate this serivce" message would be nicer.
Same goes for the "downloads" page.
Keep up the good work guys, we will have all the kinks out soon.
Start up the bubba admin console, click photo album or webmail. You'll download a "download(12)" file containing a PHP error. This is because I don't have these services active.
Now I probably don't have to tell you this but, PHP errors don't look very nice. A "Service not available. Please login as admin and go to the services page to activate this serivce" message would be nicer.
Same goes for the "downloads" page.
Keep up the good work guys, we will have all the kinks out soon.

Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
Also I'd like to revise my comment on the switching to administration mode:
If a user is not an admin, prompt the user if they'd like to login as admin. If yes, then open a new tab to login as an admin user. Otherwise, if you are logged in as an admin user it works great as is.
If a user is not an admin, prompt the user if they'd like to login as admin. If yes, then open a new tab to login as an admin user. Otherwise, if you are logged in as an admin user it works great as is.
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
The excito-crew have managed to get my Firefly-server up and running again and have also managed to solve the python-problems.
Thanks a lot guys!
Thanks a lot guys!
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
I very much appreciate this upgrades, but I would appreciate it if you would quit messing with my firewall! Every time I upgrade I get this: "Running firewall and saved configuration file is determined to be corrupt. Default firewall has been restored."
Well, no, it is not corrupt, it has been customized. The difference is rather important. Is there any way at all I can mark my firewall.conf file as having been customized, so that your update script will leave it alone?
Here it is, by the way:
Well, no, it is not corrupt, it has been customized. The difference is rather important. Is there any way at all I can mark my firewall.conf file as having been customized, so that your update script will leave it alone?
Here it is, by the way:
Code: Select all
:INPUT DROP [12:1678]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [71:15934]
-A INPUT -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK SYN,ACK -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-r
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp ! --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j DROP
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j SSHTRY
-A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 11 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 3/4 -j ACCEPT
-A SSHTRY -m recent --set --name SSH
-A SSHTRY -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --rttl --name SSH -j SSH
-A SSHBAD -m limit --limit 1/minute -j LOG --log-prefix SSH_Attack:
-A FORWARD -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
-A FORWARD -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 3/4 -j ACCEPT
Re: Release notes for BUBBA|2 version 2.0
How? I still have the same problems with Firefly server, getting permission denied while trying to load/build the database even though I've changed mode of the music folder.Binkem wrote:The excito-crew have managed to get my Firefly-server up and running again
2010-04-20 13:29:18 (480241c0): Starting mp3 scan
2010-04-20 13:29:18 (480241c0): opendir: Permission denied
transefer speed low since 2.0
I agree that release 2.0 is nice but the transfer speed is very low.
Before I had 6.3 mb/sec. and after 2.0 (with no other changes, network, cables ie) I have 2.0 mb/sec.
Why is this and how can I go back to 6.3 mb/sec which was fine.
Please Excito team it is to slow now. (and I only have service email active)
I agree that release 2.0 is nice but the transfer speed is very low.
Before I had 6.3 mb/sec. and after 2.0 (with no other changes, network, cables ie) I have 2.0 mb/sec.
Why is this and how can I go back to 6.3 mb/sec which was fine.
Please Excito team it is to slow now. (and I only have service email active)
Linux is like a wigwam - no windows, no gates, apache inside!