This is a new major upgrade. The upgrade is available both as a firmware upgrade and a new install image.
How to upgrade
To upgrade a running system, make sure you don't have any activities running such as uploads, downloads, print jobs etc. Then log in as admin in web-ui. Choose "settings" menu entry. Choose "Update" in the sub menu. Press the "Update" button.
Since the update service depends on root access to the MySQL database, if you have changed the default password the update will fail. If it has been changed, run the update from the command line. Default options should be ok, but you need to provide your MySQL root password.
When upgrade is complete user interface may look distorted. To resolve this make sure to reload web page.
To (re)install a system please read the manual, section "INSTALLING & REINSTALLING SOFTWARE".
New features and major changes
- Completely reworked user interface with a new service oriented design.
- New inline help system.
- Fully rewritten Filemanager frontend with new features.
- Web based music player (FirePlay)
- It is now possible to turn off the Samba service from the web interface
- Squeezebox Server upgraded to v7.5.0
- DL-manager, updated torrentlib to 0.14.10, bugfixes including some regarding crashes when cancel download
- Validation feedback not properly aligned in webkit and IE
- Download as zip saves file names in utf-8 (special characters will not be shown correctly when extracting via Windows built in tool).
- Drop-down boxes on "change permission" are too narrow in IE7