From the command line you forgot:
Code: Select all
apt-get update
Regarding samba, we are working on that.
Code: Select all
apt-get update
Hipa wrote:Additionaly, regarding samba.
As we have difficulties reproducing the behavior, those of you that have problems with this can you state your network setup and what profile your system is using?
The network topology is also interesting, if you have any switches or anything else involved.
Been using it since the early Beta and with the exception of the Kernel error message some of us are seeing, it is rock solid. I have turned off my old Wireless router and Bubba is now doing it all. Obviously YMMV as I can't say exactly how yours is configured, but I think you will be fine.christian.einarsson wrote:I can only speak for my self but I upgraded last week and haven't noticed any problem.