This is a new major upgrade. The upgrade is currently available only as a software upgrade. A new installer will follow shortly.
How to upgrade
To upgrade a running system, make sure you do not have any activities running such as uploads, downloads, print jobs etc. Then log in as admin in web-ui. Choose "settings" menu entry. Choose "Update" in the sub menu. Press the "Update" button.
Since the update service depends on root access to the MySQL database, if you have changed the default password the update will fail. If it has been changed run the update from the command line, default options should be ok, but you need to provide your MySQL root password.
When upgrade is complete a restart of the system is required for all changes to take effect.
New features and major changes
Wireless access point
The new software release contains support for Bubba|2 to act as an wireless access point when equipped with the hardware wireless add on. Note: There is a known issue that at this writing only G mode is supported.
Reworked network settings
When introducing wireless support to Bubba|2 major parts of the network configuration was rewritten.
Most noticeable are the changes to network profiles. Previously there where fixed router and server modes and a custom mode used to tweak settings. This has now been replaced by new router and server modes that allow the user to change all settings on network interfaces and an auto mode that tries to auto configure Bubba|2 for each different use case.
Upgrades to numerous packages, most significant:
- Samba, windows file sharing, upgraded to 3.4.2
- Should improve Vista/Win7 compatibility
- Apache, web server, upgraded to 2.2.9
- Should resolve download of large files >2GB
- Linux kernel upgraded to
- Wireless support
- Should fix some problems with poor throughput on filetransfers.
- Somewhat improved performance
- Bubba album
- Albums with limited access rights are only visible for uses that have access to them.
- Horde web mail, calendar etc, is upgraded to version 3.3.5
- Cups, printing system, upgraded to 1.3.8
- Upgrades to several more packages.
- Wireless access point currently only supports G mode. A software upgrade will enable N mode.
- Changing network profiles closes down Samba which results in no samba access until Bubba|2 is restarted.