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by TimSmithCA
19 Aug 2009, 08:50
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Getting up to date Bubba
Replies: 0
Views: 4356

Getting up to date Bubba

Hi all
I suspect that the answer to my question is my Bubba (0.31.4-1) up to date? Is no.
So, now my problem is how to upgrade. I've tried the update button (Settings -> Maintenace -> Update Software) and it keeps telling my that there is nothing to install.
I'm guessing that I need to download a ...
by TimSmithCA
20 Jul 2009, 09:10
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Installing (My)SQL on Bubba One
Replies: 2
Views: 6802

Re: Installing (My)SQL on Bubba One

I've got MySQL running on my Bubba One as I installed Joomla and Wordpress for some testing I did. It was a little while ago now but as I recall it did involve accessing the server via Putty and using apt-get. Setting up MySQL was also done over the terminal, certainly setting up the root ...
by TimSmithCA
18 Jun 2007, 19:27
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Print server being able to serve the windoze drivers?
Replies: 5
Views: 10118

Printers and Windows

Hi all
I managed to connect to my printer connected to a bubba server without any problems. It's an old hp930 so the drivers were included in the Windows list.Y You may need to download the drivers from the manufacturer first.
I didn't have any luck with the Add Printer wizard, but then it's always ...
by TimSmithCA
18 Jun 2007, 19:20
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: What CMS to use?
Replies: 4
Views: 9159

You could give CMSimple a try . I've played around with it a couple of times and found it rather good. Depending on your content DokuWiki is pretty good to. I'm using it for a departmental Wiki at work.
Most CMS systems that don't use MySQL are probably going to seem a little limited ...