Du kan flasha den med plain android? Eller XBMC?
(Hårdvaran heter egentligen Geniatech ATV510B, chipset AM Logic 8726-M3)
http://www.geniatech.com/news/m3-android-4.0-20121208-upgrading-instruction.asp (Android). Här får du också ADB över nätverk och därmed root-access om du vill leka själv ...
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Search found 7 matches
- 04 Jan 2016, 10:05
- Forum: General
- Topic: An early review of TV Sweden media player
- Replies: 26
- Views: 324402
- 04 Jan 2016, 03:43
- Forum: General
- Topic: An early review of TV Sweden media player
- Replies: 26
- Views: 324402
Re: An early review of TV Sweden media player
Då blir det skroten med dom. Eftersom Tele2 har lagt ner projektet från sitt håll.
Det finns ingen som hänger här på forumet som fått hjälp eller kommit på ett sätt att göra om boxen till något nyttosamt?
Det finns ingen som hänger här på forumet som fått hjälp eller kommit på ett sätt att göra om boxen till något nyttosamt?
- 02 Jan 2016, 05:58
- Forum: General
- Topic: An early review of TV Sweden media player
- Replies: 26
- Views: 324402
Re: An early review of TV Sweden media player
Vilken adress skall man kontakta för att få igång sin Excito V1?
- 02 Jan 2016, 05:45
- Forum: General
- Topic: An early review of TV Sweden media player
- Replies: 26
- Views: 324402
Re: An early review of TV Sweden media player
Hej Hej,
Vilken epostadress kan man använda sig av idag för att skrämma liv i sina Tele2 TV Players?
hjalp@twsweden.tv fungerar inte.
Vilken epostadress kan man använda sig av idag för att skrämma liv i sina Tele2 TV Players?
hjalp@twsweden.tv fungerar inte.
- 02 Jan 2016, 05:38
- Forum: General
- Topic: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
- Replies: 13
- Views: 47374
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
I just found 2 of this Tele2 TV Players in a drawer.
Is there anything this boxes can be used to today, or it just to throw in the electronicsbin to be recycled?
Is there anything this boxes can be used to today, or it just to throw in the electronicsbin to be recycled?
- 18 Apr 2014, 02:52
- Forum: General
- Topic: An early review of TV Sweden media player
- Replies: 26
- Views: 324402
Re: An early review of TV Sweden media player
Thanks for the feedback. I think that you running the Tele2 firmware on the box is causing some of your issues. If you would like to upgrade to TV Sweden firmware, contact us at support@tvsweden.se and we'll help you out.
Jag försökte maila men det gick inte fram till den ...
Thanks for the feedback. I think that you running the Tele2 firmware on the box is causing some of your issues. If you would like to upgrade to TV Sweden firmware, contact us at support@tvsweden.se and we'll help you out.
Jag försökte maila men det gick inte fram till den ...
- 18 Apr 2014, 02:50
- Forum: General
- Topic: An early review of TV Sweden media player
- Replies: 26
- Views: 324402
Re: An early review of TV Sweden media player
Thanks for the feedback. I think that you running the Tele2 firmware on the box is causing some of your issues. If you would like to upgrade to TV Sweden firmware, contact us at support@tvsweden.se and we'll help you out.
However I'd really like ot solve the DLNA browsing crash ...
Thanks for the feedback. I think that you running the Tele2 firmware on the box is causing some of your issues. If you would like to upgrade to TV Sweden firmware, contact us at support@tvsweden.se and we'll help you out.
However I'd really like ot solve the DLNA browsing crash ...