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Search found 6 matches

by evaluation
07 Nov 2017, 16:36
Forum: Development
Topic: Debian stretch (9) image 1.1 released for B3
Replies: 61
Views: 282929

Re: Debian stretch (9) image 1.0 released for B3


first of all I want to thank you for this great stretch image!

I currently try to understand the shutdown mechanism with the button and it would be great if someone could give me some hints.

I try to get more control over the button to start some self defined actions depending on the button ...
by evaluation
16 Nov 2013, 10:53
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: ESATA not working
Replies: 4
Views: 7153

Re: ESATA not working


I opened a support ticket.

In the meanwhile I continued testing.
Results: the new external case is working with my ESATA2ESATA cable when connected to a laptop.
=> so cable and case are ok.

Also tried to use a SATA2ESATA cable with direct access to the HDD (external powered). No success ...
by evaluation
12 Nov 2013, 17:25
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: ESATA not working
Replies: 4
Views: 7153

Re: ESATA not working


searched deeper in the forum and found some hints about cutting connectors as of connection problems.
Tried to connect the cable having disassembled the back plate of B3 before. Unfortunately the problem still exists. So I would say that there should be no physical connection problem ...
by evaluation
12 Nov 2013, 13:25
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: ESATA not working
Replies: 4
Views: 7153

ESATA not working


I just bought an external ESATA/USB case and tried to connect it to my b3.
Connection with USB is working as expected but ESATA seems not to be recognized.
DMESG shows no effect, fdisk /dev/sdb says "unable to open /dev/sdb".

What could I check. Do I have to enable something?
In the forum I ...
by evaluation
09 Sep 2013, 13:36
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: [solved] new B3 not accessible (booted but no ping)
Replies: 2
Views: 5392

Re: new B3 not accessible (booted but no ping)


thanks for your reply. I managed to solve the issue using a recovery image. After USB stick recovery (no partition and format) all works fine.

see URL

Note ...
by evaluation
06 Sep 2013, 15:36
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: [solved] new B3 not accessible (booted but no ping)
Replies: 2
Views: 5392

[solved] new B3 not accessible (booted but no ping)


I just bought a B3-2000 and cannot get contact to the device.
The B3 booted successfully (few seconds lila then constant blue light).

I tried the following:
1) connect B3 (via switch) to my fritzbox using a network cable which previously was connected to another computer with good connection ...