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by DarrenBeck
03 Nov 2008, 03:13
Forum: Howtos
Topic: HOWTO: Subversion
Replies: 16
Views: 36368


petter: I think you misunderstood my original post, you don't need to restart svnserve when using xinetd. xinetd is just a newer version of inetd, they are designed to start services on demand, so you don't need it running all the time.

Hopefully that makes sense :)
by DarrenBeck
22 Oct 2008, 03:14
Forum: Development
Topic: Subversion on bubba?
Replies: 10
Views: 23886

I assume you have subversion running as the svn user. Have you made any changes to the repository directories as another user (e.g. root)?

Check the ownership of the directories in the repository folder (ls -l). Are they all svn:svn?
by DarrenBeck
13 Oct 2008, 06:12
Forum: Howtos
Topic: HOWTO: Subversion
Replies: 16
Views: 36368

To use a browser as a client you need to integrate with Apache using WebDav. Unfortunately I don't have time to write something up on that right now but for reference here is a guide that covers the steps required (it repeats some of the stuff above so you can just skip those bits).

http://www ...
by DarrenBeck
27 Jul 2007, 19:04
Forum: Howtos
Topic: HOWTO: Subversion
Replies: 16
Views: 36368

HOWTO: Subversion

Hi all,

This is a quick guide on how to get a recent version (1.4.2) of Subversion working on a Bubba server. I've tried to include as much info as possible but if something is not clear just let me know.

For this first part we need to run as root, so ssh into Bubba using your user account and ...
by DarrenBeck
03 May 2007, 04:05
Forum: Development
Topic: Subversion on bubba?
Replies: 10
Views: 23886

SVN Performance

Hi all,

What's the performance like when using Bubba as an SVN server? I realise most of the work is shifted to the client when using subversion but has one noticed any issues?

Thanks in advance,
