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We have recently installed surveillance cameras at home and I eventually decided to migrate to Synology for handling the video processing and storing the personal data.
The noise is a kind of high-frequency sound and it changes accordingly with the melody of the song. I have tried with different media formats (avi, mp3, wav) and different players (even with squeezeslave) but the problem still remain.
If it is necessary, I can dump the output of any requested ...
Yes, I have experienced the noise problems running different mp3s and running the vlc player as well. I noticed that there is an option in aplay to set explicitly the encoding parameters, but there was no difference on the output sound quality.
I have just bought USB sound card for my B3 - Creative BlasterPlay! but the output quality of the played mp3s is really low with a lot of background noises. The speakers and the sound card are working fine on a different machine runing Ubuntu.