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Well, something is broken and it's definitely not my watch. Tried to reinstall the system with an original excito rescue stick but no success either.
So i have to return it. Too bad, i already got so used to it - i hope it won't take too long till i get a new one .
Hi, My Bubba3 was not available anymore, neither by WLAN nor LAN. The LED remained purple. So i decided to reinstall the system completely (bubba.cfg: PARTITION=1, FORMAT=1). It started ok with the LED turning green. But for about an hour now nothing happens anymore except the red LED of the ...
Hi, The downlod service on my bubba3 does not work anymore. I tried to (re)start it but no success:
root@b3://etc# init.d/filetransferdaemon restart Restarting File Transfer Daemon: ftdterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): Failed to stat config file Aborted ...
So i bought one!
I've seen there are various activities on gitHub for squeezecenter. Are there any ideas when version 7.7.1 will be released. I'm currently running 7.7.1 on my windows machine and i don't want to downgrade when i'm switching to my bubba3.
As Ubi mentioned it is possible to install LMS by yourself. I guess it's the same procedure as on any other linux machine or are there any extra difficulties? The question for me is if i can take a 'Debian Installer Package' provided by logitech (e.g. ...
Well, i just want to be able to install the official releases of Logitech Media Server by myself. I don't want to wait until excito has included them in their current release. For example the current version of LMS is 7.7.1 but the excito update still includes 7.6.x which is known as to be quiet ...
Hi, I'm considering buying a bubba3 to use it as my dedicated MediaServer running Logitech Media Server - formerly known as squeezecenter. Currently i'm using my windows-pc for this purpose and i'm used to update my installations by myself. So i don't want to depend on the update-cycle of excito ...