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Search found 11 matches

by _NE_
15 Feb 2015, 04:31
Forum: My Bubba
Topic: B3 2Tb WiFi säljes / for sale
Replies: 1
Views: 13753

B3 2Tb WiFi säljes / for sale

Har en B3 som är väldigt lite använd, tänkte köra den som webserver men det blev aldrig så.

Skriver inte något om den för ni vet vad det är.
är "fabriksåterställd".

Ge mig bud, just nu tror jag ett rimligt bud ligger runt 1000sek.

Kan nås på eller 0723574086.

by _NE_
25 Dec 2011, 07:13
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Login issues B3 as wireless client
Replies: 6
Views: 10329

Re: Login issues B3 as wireless client

Sometimes signs & figures are transferred in different ways which makes them get interpreted wrongly, try setting password to something very simple with all normal letters.
by _NE_
20 Nov 2011, 15:35
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: iTunes 10.5.x won't detect mt-daap
Replies: 8
Views: 12565

Re: iTunes 10.5.x won't detect mt-daap

Forked-daapd from the latest tar-ball works quite excellent, it was a bit of a hazel with all dependencies.
Now iTunes finds it and loads the music, plays it, it finds AirTunes units and syncs with the apple-remote softwares.
by _NE_
17 Nov 2011, 17:14
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: iTunes 10.5.x won't detect mt-daap
Replies: 8
Views: 12565

Re: iTunes 10.5.x won't detect mt-daap

Installing forked-daapd was easy and it was no problem getting it to run, though you should double check that the avahi-daemon is working as well (had problem with avahi disabling itself).

The sad part is that the problem is the same with forked-daapd, iTunes detects hit but will "load" for ever.
by _NE_
15 Nov 2011, 14:52
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: Twonky on B3?
Replies: 15
Views: 23373

Re: Twonky on B3?

OK, so i got it running.

I found a clue on this blog ... humbnails/ which recommends the Kirkwood build.
I tried the Kirkwood build and it worked as a charm (this far ;) )
by _NE_
14 Nov 2011, 13:21
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: Twonky on B3?
Replies: 15
Views: 23373

Re: Twonky on B3?

I get exactly the same result,

Here is a thread on another forum where the same problem is discussed, but also here without a final result.
by _NE_
13 Nov 2011, 12:20
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: Twonky on B3?
Replies: 15
Views: 23373

Re: Twonky on B3?

I think I'm doing it right, but here it is.

Loging in by my user changing to su.

Downloading for example the newest version "" to a folder on the B3 "/usr/local/twonkymedia/.

Unziping by unzip in the same folder ...
by _NE_
13 Nov 2011, 05:05
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: Twonky on B3?
Replies: 15
Views: 23373

Re: Twonky on B3?

Sorry to say so, but yes, have tried several times but all with the same result, also different versions 4,5 & 6.
I'm quite interested of getting this to work as i already have licenses for twonky.
by _NE_
04 Nov 2011, 12:58
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: minidlna inotify
Replies: 10
Views: 20142

Re: minidlna inotify

had the same problem, removed the DB and it was back to fully working.

by _NE_
31 Oct 2011, 18:01
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: Twonky on B3?
Replies: 15
Views: 23373

Re: Twonky on B3?

Im trying to install Twonky on my B3, downloaded the package stated above but when starting twonky i get "Starting /usr/local/bin/twonkymedia/twonkymedia ... /usr/local/bin/twonkymedia/ 154: /usr/local/bin/twonkymedia/twonkymedia: not found" when searching the web for a solution it ...
by _NE_
29 Oct 2011, 05:11
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Connect your B3 to your wireless network
Replies: 16
Views: 50984

Re: Connect your B3 to your wireless network

To get it to work with my WPA2 (PSK TKIP, hidden SSID) setup i had to do like this (found by google so i really don't know the fact behind it, but it worked).

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid your-ssid
wpa-psk your-password
wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
wpa-pairwise TKIP CCMP
wpa-group TKIP ...