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Search found 9 matches

by Gerrard
02 Aug 2010, 16:41
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Illegal characters in BackUp Manager.
Replies: 0
Views: 8816

Illegal characters in BackUp Manager.

I think I have found a bug...

In the backup manager in the web-gui I would like enter a i.e host as my backup location.
But the "-" is considered illegal. Sure I can use the ip address but I can't know that the ip address is the same forever. :cry:

If you guys at Excito could fix ...
by Gerrard
07 Jul 2010, 07:02
Forum: Development
Topic: ftdeamon
Replies: 0
Views: 9584


I have been playing a bit with the torrent software on Bubba2. To be able to get my progress i should be reading from the ftdeamon stream located in /tmp/ftpdeamon.

I can connect to it but I can't get any data from it. I have checked the source code in /usr/share/ftd/ipc.php so I have some ...
by Gerrard
12 Apr 2010, 16:18
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: SSH from a mac
Replies: 4
Views: 11967

Re: SSH from a mac

Yes that works of course ;) But I would like to know I can't use the host name.
by Gerrard
12 Apr 2010, 15:38
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: SSH from a mac
Replies: 4
Views: 11967

SSH from a mac

How do I access my bubba from my macbook? I've tried ssh bubba and ssh bubba.local. But my macbook can't resolve the host.
by Gerrard
18 Jan 2010, 07:10
Forum: B2 & B3 Feature Requests
Topic: SSH brute force attack prevention
Replies: 22
Views: 39520

Re: SSH brute force attack prevention

I have been using the host.deny and hosts.allow to "protect" my bubba

In my host.deny I have this

and in my hosts.allow I have list of trusted hosts that I allow to connect

I this the best way approach this? Which problems can I expect? Should I use iptables instead=
by Gerrard
17 Jan 2010, 05:00
Forum: Development
Topic: Ruby on bubba
Replies: 3
Views: 10955

Re: Ruby on Rails

Hi msx

Have you managed to get Ruby on Rails installed?
I installed Ruby using apt-get, and it installed Ruby 1.8.2 After installing RubyGem, I couldn't get Rails to install.



Ok I'm bumping this rather old message.

I have had som success with ROR and of course some problem.

I ...
by Gerrard
05 Jan 2010, 11:36
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: *Nuub* Why can´t i access my ftp from WAN
Replies: 10
Views: 14569

Re: *Nuub* Why can´t i access my ftp from WAN

It could be that you need to set up NAT/port-forwarding in your modem, ie. you need to open certain ports (port 21 for FTP, port 22 for SSH I believe), and point them to the WAN IP address of your bubba 2....

Yes I have thought of that, but since I want to use my bubba as a firewall/router ...
by Gerrard
05 Jan 2010, 07:48
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: *Nuub* Why can´t i access my ftp from WAN
Replies: 10
Views: 14569

Re: *Nuub* Why can´t i access my ftp from WAN

I have a similar problem. If I tries to access my bubba with the external ipaddress I get from my isp(bredbandsbolaget) I end up in my modem. Hence my modem act as som kind of router.

Is there any pppoe login client availble for Bubba? If so I should be able to bridge my modem and let Bubba take ...
by Gerrard
03 Jan 2010, 09:20
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: No internetaccess (Bredbandsbolaget)
Replies: 1
Views: 3870

No internetaccess (Bredbandsbolaget)

I recieved my Bubba|2 some days ago. I have some network issues that I need som help with

This is how I have set up my network

| Internet |
| Bubba |
| wlan router |

Since Bredbandsbolaget uses ...