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Search found 18 matches

by shocks
01 Dec 2010, 06:00
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: B2 reliability considerations
Replies: 1
Views: 3672

B2 reliability considerations


I use my B2 exclusively for Asterisk VOIP - it hasn't fallen over in months and months! At the moment I have a standard 500GB drive in it. As it's running 2 phone lines and multiple extensions for my home and office I'm wondering about what steps I should take if the drive fails. I've had my B2 ...
by shocks
22 Jan 2010, 07:29
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Asterisk PBX on Bubba II
Replies: 0
Views: 5513

Asterisk PBX on Bubba II

This was originally posted in the "My Bubba" forum...

I went through a lot of pain before I could get it working. There is a Asterisk 1.4 version on the debian repo but I wanted to use a newer version. I found this blog post and followed it to the letter: ...
by shocks
22 Jan 2010, 06:12
Forum: My Bubba Server
Topic: Any Voip Client? Asterisk?
Replies: 8
Views: 30045

Re: Any Voip Client? Asterisk?

I went through a lot of pain before I could get it working. There is a Asterisk 1.4 version on the debian repo but I wanted to use a newer version. I found this blog post and followed it to the letter:

Once you have compiled ...
by shocks
21 Jan 2010, 06:51
Forum: My Bubba Server
Topic: Any Voip Client? Asterisk?
Replies: 8
Views: 30045

Re: Any Voip Client? Asterisk?

I know this is an old thread. But I thought some would be interested to know I have been able to compile Asterisk 1.6 from source and have it working with Skype for SIP with my Bubba II. No problems. Call quality perfect and everything else like voicemail etc all working as expected. This is great ...
by shocks
13 Apr 2009, 05:09
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Hybrid setup
Replies: 5
Views: 7995

OK. WAN is now getting an IP address from the router (DHCP) and is on the internet. What should the setup be for the Mac which is connected to the LAN port - 'Obtain IP-address automatically' or 'User static IP address settings' (in Bubba admin tool)? If the latter, I'm not sure what the settings ...
by shocks
11 Apr 2009, 17:45
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Hybrid setup
Replies: 5
Views: 7995

Bubba Lan is DHCP. The Mac is DHCP but says it has a 'Self assigned IP address'.
by shocks
09 Apr 2009, 17:44
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Hybrid setup
Replies: 5
Views: 7995

Hybrid setup


I'd like to have the following setup:

Internet-->WiFi Router-->Bubba-->Mac

Is this possible? Bubba is connected to the router through the Wan connection and then the Mac is connected to Bubba through the Lan connection. Bubba is assigned an IP address but it cannot reach the internet. The Mac ...
by shocks
25 Mar 2009, 09:19
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Suddenly can't access Bubba externally
Replies: 3
Views: 5440

Hi Carl

bubba:/etc/init.d# iptables-save
# Generated by iptables-save v1.3.6 on Wed Mar 25 13:18:55 2009
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [5063:3484914]
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK SYN,ACK -m state --state NEW -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
-A INPUT ...
by shocks
25 Mar 2009, 08:54
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Suddenly can't access Bubba externally
Replies: 3
Views: 5440

Suddenly can't access Bubba externally


I'm able to SSH into Bubba externally but cannot access the webserver externally. My port redirect from my router is working fine (I can redirect to other webservers on port 80). I restored my iptables config (because I thought that may be the problem) per Carl's post in another thread. iptables ...
by shocks
16 Feb 2009, 15:49
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Can I get some help on installing java?
Replies: 12
Views: 19941

@d94ka - This is great - do you have some pointers on how to get Java and Tomcat up and running on Bubba 2? Have just tried to install from the link you supplied but getting:
dl failure on line 729Error: failed /opt/ibm/java/ibm-java-ppc-60/jre/lib/ppc/j9vm/, because cannot ...
by shocks
30 Jan 2009, 17:19
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Connection Confusion
Replies: 0
Views: 3482

Connection Confusion

I'm using my Bubba 2 as a server only. I connected it to my Mac and set it to get the IP dynamically. I then connected Bubba 2's LAN port into one of the LAN ports in my wireless Beklin router (which connects to my cable modem). I'm unable to connect to Bubba this way - in fact if I connect to the ...
by shocks
26 Sep 2008, 18:37
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Firefly constant rebuffering with iTunes
Replies: 28
Views: 41147

Thanks squadra. That worked. Actually I tried another Mac with iTunes 7.6.2 and streaming now without problems.
by shocks
25 Sep 2008, 14:11
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Firefly constant rebuffering with iTunes
Replies: 28
Views: 41147

Any further thoughts on this? Is is possible to run another app so I can stream on a Mac (and test the connection in the process). Right now Bubba 2 isn't working for one of the reasons I got it.

by shocks
23 Sep 2008, 14:13
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Firefly constant rebuffering with iTunes
Replies: 28
Views: 41147


I'm using Mac OSX 10.5.3 and iTunes version 8.0 (35)

The log returns the following:

bubba:/home/ben# more /var/log/mt-daapd.log
2008-09-23 20:05:37 (480247c0): Firefly Version svn-1696: Starting with debuglevel 2
2008-09-23 20:05:37 (480247c0): Error loading plugin /usr/lib/mt-daapd/plugins ...
by shocks
23 Sep 2008, 02:43
Forum: B2 & B3 Support
Topic: Firefly constant rebuffering with iTunes
Replies: 28
Views: 41147


It's a wireless network. I'll try wired when I get back home. I am able, however, to stream (share an iTunes library) from 1 Mac to another Mac over my wireless network without problems. Also, wireless transfer of files between Bubba an Mac is fine.
