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by MartinArvidsson
25 Oct 2023, 05:12
Forum: Feedback
Topic: Bubba Server Install images
Replies: 1
Views: 60226

Bubba Server Install images

Hello community,

Since the Bubba Server forum is archived I need to write here.

So, my HDD is 15+ years old now and some people advice me to replace my disk, but I can't find any installation/flash image for Bubba Server (Yes the old one). I know there is a git repository ( ...
by MartinArvidsson
09 Jun 2008, 13:28
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: folders in /home
Replies: 4
Views: 8915

MartinArvidsson wrote:it doesn't say root@bubba
I want it to say root@bubba so i can see the difference between user and root, my scenario:



how I want it as ROOT:

and for the other question: I just don't like having folders lying around ;)
by MartinArvidsson
06 Jun 2008, 14:38
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Howto - Create Shares on Bubba
Replies: 4
Views: 11650

I'm not 100% sure, but i think you should edit the file smb.conf.

Login via ssh and run su to get root access (password excito) then...

nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

And add something like
comment = this is user foo's folder
writable = no
guest ok = no
public = no
path = /home/foo

then ...
by MartinArvidsson
06 Jun 2008, 12:46
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: folders in /home
Replies: 4
Views: 8915

folders in /home


is the ftp and admin folder in /home of any importance or can i delete them?


another thing...
when I am logged in as root via ssh it doesn't say root@bubba as it does with users. Can I enable this?
by MartinArvidsson
21 Apr 2008, 13:31
Forum: My Bubba Server
Topic: Bubbamon hits Firefox
Replies: 69
Views: 157678

Anyone else

DanielM wrote:I've neer experienced any problems with this, so the only thing this gives me is an extra click when I want to download anything through my Bubba.
How many of you feel that this is a problem? (the extra mouseover)