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by rodrigo
13 May 2008, 15:04
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: can i add this
Replies: 1
Views: 5645

can i add this

hello all, i had my Bubba for quite some time, and a small power shortage put back my uptime to 2 days after having it rnu for almost a entire month.

but that´s not the issue.
I have tried but only found a old dchub software for linux, does someone know a newer one that i can use on bubba.

And ...
by rodrigo
07 Apr 2008, 14:40
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: some stupid questions
Replies: 1
Views: 5389

some stupid questions

hello, i would like to thanks you all for al lyour help in the pass, and eek for helping me out by msn to fix php fusion thing.

Since i got a new router since my old one was broken by my 1,5 years old nephew that thinked it was a toyand dropped and it was broken after that playtime but his a little ...
by rodrigo
30 Mar 2008, 15:14
Forum: Howtos
Topic: How to Create a PHP-Fusion cms website
Replies: 30
Views: 74964

I saw that ine of you had a theme that had powered by bubba server.
does soeone know where i can get that theme to my php fusion.

thanks in advanced, rodrigo.
by rodrigo
20 Mar 2008, 00:37
Forum: My Bubba Server
Topic: How have you customized YOUR Bubba?
Replies: 5
Views: 22907

I put on Yellow sticker with a smiley on, it´s looks happier now.
And installed a opendchub so.
But the yelow sticker is cool.
by rodrigo
19 Mar 2008, 11:14
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: me redirect does not work.
Replies: 4
Views: 7970

ian wrote:I saved your code and opened it in IE from work, and accessed a (Swedish?) website about PHP Fusion.

Welcome to your site


Det finns inga nyheter publicerade ännu

Is this as expected/hoped for?

it seems to work now.
I think my forewall it playing a joke on me.
by rodrigo
19 Mar 2008, 10:26
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: me redirect does not work.
Replies: 4
Views: 7970

the funny thing it worked when we set the site up, and i have not changed the firewall since then but y can acces it form the inside, but not form the outside.

i think it´s a firewall issue or my isp has blocked the port., i oculd reinstall

either way i was planning of using a alternative way ...
by rodrigo
18 Mar 2008, 13:57
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: me redirect does not work.
Replies: 4
Views: 7970

me redirect does not work.

I am currenlt using Bubba amd woth help of EEK we manged to get it work and i an setting it up.
I ahev done the virtual host on and opend 8083and manual forwarded ti bubba so, same thing with ftp and that.

Thw issue is i tried a to put a redirect script on my website si they visit the website and ...
by rodrigo
15 Mar 2008, 12:08
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: can´t acces my http server on bubba and ftp too
Replies: 4
Views: 7382

can´t acces my http server on bubba and ftp too

hello all, i have looked though this fourm and trid out port 443 and even put my bubba on DMZ zone and a buddy my coudl not even acces it form his computer from the outside.
I got the same problem with ftp acces from the outside, but Inside my network i can acces all, it´s when they try to get acce ...
by rodrigo
10 Mar 2008, 09:54
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: ned help to change ports
Replies: 1
Views: 4518

ned help to change ports

Hello all, i have a bunch of stupid questions here.
i hope you can answer them all.
if not a link to a similar question how to solve my issue is great too.

i am a linux noobie so plz have that in mind.
since i use windows i am used too graphic command and not used any text commands on msdos on my ...
by rodrigo
06 Mar 2008, 15:18
Forum: Howtos
Topic: How to Create a PHP-Fusion cms website
Replies: 30
Views: 74964

same here, open port and all and done as it´s written.
by rodrigo
29 Feb 2008, 18:57
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: MYSQL
Replies: 3
Views: 6888


what is the error?
can you give some more info?


can not find the apache.cmf file after i inser the incluse like andi restart the apache server.

i do it great up to up to adding then extra sources and up to the iclude line after downloaded the mysql software.
and i change the root ...
by rodrigo
29 Feb 2008, 06:33
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: MYSQL
Replies: 3
Views: 6888


hello. all, i have tried to isntall MYSQL for 1 week or so, andi am a Linux Noob but with help with i installed mysql and it seems to work but when i restart it i get the erros that it cant load the Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf file after i insert the ...
by rodrigo
25 Feb 2008, 15:21
Forum: Howtos
Topic: Howto install Debian packages
Replies: 4
Views: 14581

Re: Howto install Debian packages

How do i save the changes and exit the editor?

i am brand new to linux, so this is relally new for me, thanks in advanced, rodrigo.
by rodrigo
21 Feb 2008, 11:54
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: can i run this kind of software on bubba
Replies: 0
Views: 4089

can i run this kind of software on bubba

First i will need a logon script so ican send users to diffrent pages in ther server, like to a phtot gallery, i have looked at SPGM, but it owuld be great , but it does lack of the simple things as to be able to add groups and users, if there is a way to add it to SPGM plz let mw know.
The SPG ...
by rodrigo
18 Feb 2008, 13:21
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: some question from a future bubba server owner.
Replies: 1
Views: 4702

some question from a future bubba server owner.

are you faster to deliver then, is it better for me to order from you or from that online store, how fast can you deliver since says they get restocked on the 22/2, can you deliver by the end of the week with a 320 gb hardrive.

2:i want to run a photo gallery like ...