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by Tyriel
09 Mar 2008, 04:54
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Slow filetranfer
Replies: 2
Views: 5714

Slow filetranfer


I wonder what speeds you are getting when you copy files to/from the Bubba. I am reaching 3000-4000Kb/s. Is that normal or do you reach other speeds?

Any idea how to make it faster? I want to stream .mkv files (10-20Gb) to my TV-computer. But the movies lag when I do that.
by Tyriel
06 Jul 2007, 14:48
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Best way to stream video from bubba to a rendering client
Replies: 7
Views: 13979

Well, I have the same problem. The rendering client can handle files when played from local harddrive, but everytime I try to stream from Bubba it freezes every 10 minutes. It works playing mp3 music from the bubba.
The rendering client is using WinXP+Media Portal and I have 100Mbit cable connection.
by Tyriel
04 Mar 2007, 03:29
Forum: Bubba Server Support
Topic: Torrent never finished
Replies: 3
Views: 7321

Torrent never finished


I have had some torrents that have reached 100%, but the Bubba button never changes from "cancel" to "complete".

Have anyone else had this problem?
by Tyriel
20 Feb 2007, 08:21
Forum: Software releases
Topic: New firmware update 0.30.3
Replies: 8
Views: 37944

Nice, I like the change that torrents now downloads in an new directory, but I still lack the option to set the dl/up speed.
As it is now, all my upload bandwith is used for torrents so its very slow to use internet on the other computers on the same network. ( I dont have trafficshaping on my ...