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Search found 4 matches

by Calder
01 Jan 2008, 15:02
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: RSS support?
Replies: 7
Views: 28182

Has there been any development regarding RSS lately?
Still looking at buying a Bubba...
by Calder
01 Jan 2008, 14:54
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: Gigabit ethernet?
Replies: 6
Views: 14451

I'm also wondering if there has been any progress in adding gigabit ethernet?

Have been using a Linksys Slug, but it can't really stream DVDs to my mediaplayer, and copying does take a while.
by Calder
27 Jul 2007, 18:16
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: RSS support?
Replies: 7
Views: 28182

Sounds great... Would be great to give my computer a rest, last restart was a while ago... Will wait for RSS-support first before I buy though.
by Calder
25 Jul 2007, 04:59
Forum: Bubba Server Feature requests
Topic: RSS support?
Replies: 7
Views: 28182

I second Juggler on that request! Bring in RSS feeds for Bittorrent and I will happily buy one! Bought a Linksys NSLU for that reason. Without knowing anything about Linux I managed to write a Bash-script to check an RSS feed and download the appropriate .torrent-files. Haven't installed a BT-client ...