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I have just purchased a Bubba box (still waiting for it to arrive ) and I was wondering if anyone knows if I would run into trouble if I tried installing Gallery2 on my Bubba?
I have been told that MySQL should not be a problem installing, and I'm also aware that PHP is already up and running out-of-the-box on Bubba, but what about the PHP settings and image processing libraries? will that be too much for the small 200 MHZ processor?
Hoping someone might have some knowledge regarding this
It installs and works if you follow the installation guide, but of course, since the bubba system resources are limited, it will run very slow.
I'm also experiencing PHP time-out problems when uploading files larger than ~1MB. Pressing F5 will not solve this, resulting int the files are not created in the album. Had the same problem with Media Gallery 2.
Gallery should work ok on Bubba, we have done some testing with Gallery 1.5 which does not require installation of MySQL.
The main problem is that as lelle says that the system resources are somewhat limited. And the big issue here is that images gets rescaled at the server side which is very time consuming on Bubba.
A solution to this is to use an upload software on the PC and prescale the images before uploading them. Unfortunately they will not be available in full size in the album.
Ok, it looks like I should look around for something else than Gallery2 to handle my images. Or will the limited ressources be a problem no matter what gallery I choose?
I might be able to live with creating the thumbnails manually on another PC with more power, but I still want the original images to be available in highest resolution. But well, I see the issue here:
1) I probably need thumbnails for the quick overview in a gallery
2) I probably also need medium-sized images (around 640*480) for viewing a single image in a browser
3) And finally I need the images in full resolution so that users can download high-quality images (and so that I have a backup on the server)
So it's probably very convenient if the scaling is handled server-side and on-the-fly, so I don't have to keep the same image in many different resolutions...
Hm... I guess there are no good solutions to this?
Does anyone have any suggestions? Experience with a solution that is working for them?
I have tried a fairly simple solution to have bubba serve a photogallery.
On the serverside I run SPGM gallery. This is a pretty simple gallery but it has features like adding comment on the pictures and does not require MySQL.
To create the actual galleries I use "Gallery Mage" which will create thumbnails and either keep the original image or scale that as well for upload to bubba.
Main drawbacks of this is that I have not found any way to search for comments in the images, but other than that I think it works fairly ok.
Yes, SPGM did cross my path a few times when googling for a solution and also using the GalleryMage tool. They seem like a good match, so I guess I will try to go for that. Great to hear that you have had some success using SPGM/GalleryMage.
Is there a similar GalleryMage type tool that can be installed on bubba itself that can be scheduled to run every 12 hours or whatever to create thumbnails.
I would like gallery creations automated.
Im not that familiar with gallery software and thus dont know any specific software. But i think you should be able to do some magick with imagemagick and cron.
I want to be able to view my image files as thumbnails (like in Windows Explorer). I have seen this discussion thread but has anyone implemented any of this yet?
The image files are constantly added to so I do not want to have to continually create new thumbnail images (unless the job can be scheduled).
I am not techie at all so am looking for a very simple solution.